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Additional information
Taking care of your telephone
Your cordless telephone contains sophisticated electronic parts, so it must be treated with care
Avoid rough treatment
Place the handset down gently Save the original packing materials to protect your telephone if you ever need to ship it
Avoid water
Your telephone can be damaged if it gets wet Do not use the handset outdoors in the rain, or handle it with wet hands Do not install your telephone base near a sink, bathtub or shower
Electrical storms
Electrical storms can sometimes cause power surges harmful to electronic equipment For your own safety, use caution when using electric appliances during storms
Cleaning your telephone
Your telephone has a durable plastic casing that should retain its luster for many years Clean it only with a soft cloth slightly dampened with water or a mild soap Do not use excess water or
cleaning solvents of any kind
What does this limited warranty cover?
• The manufacturer of this VTech Product warrants to the holde r of a valid proof of purch ase (“Consumer ” or “you”) that the Pr oduct and all acce ssories provide d in the sales packag e
(“Product”) are free from defec ts in material and wor kmanship, pursuan t to the following term s and conditions , when installed and u sed normally and in a ccordance with t he Product
operating instructions This l imited warranty ex tends only to the Cons umer for Products pu rchased and used i n the United States of Am erica and Canada
What will VTech do if the Product is not free from defects in materials and workmanship during the limited warranty period (“Materially Defective Product”)?
• During the limited warranty period, VTech’s authorized ser vice represent ative will repair or re place at VTech’s option, wi thout charge, a Mater ially Defective Pro duct If we repair th e
Product, we may use new or refurbished re placement part s If we choose to repla ce the Product, we may r eplace it with a new or re furbished Produ ct of the same or simila r design We
will retain defective parts, modu les, or equipment Repair or replacem ent of the Product, at V Tech’s option, is your exclus ive remedy VTech will retur n repaired or replac ement Products
to you in working condition You should exp ect the repair or repl acement to take appr oximately 30 days
How long is the limited warranty period?
• The limited warranty period for the Product extends for O NE (1) YEAR from the date of purc hase If VTech repairs or r eplaces a Materiall y Defective Produc t under the terms of th is limited
warranty, this limited warranty also a pplies to repaired or r eplacement Produ ct for a period of eit her (a) 90 days from the date th e repaired or replac ement Product is shi pped to you or (b)
the time remaining on the original on e-year warranty; w hichever is longer
What is not covered by this limited warranty?
This limited warranty does not cover :
1. Product that has been subjected to mi suse, accident, sh ipping or other physi cal damage, impro per installation , abnormal operati on or handling, negl ect, inundation , re, water or other
liquid intrusion; or
2. Product that has been damaged due to re pair, alteration or modi cation by anyone oth er than an authorized s ervice repres entative of VTech; or
3 Product to the extent that the proble m experienced is cau sed by signal condi tions, network rel iability, or cable or a ntenna systems; or
4 Product to the extent that the proble m is caused by use with no n-VTech accessori es; or
5 Product whose warranty/qualit y stickers, Produc t serial numbers pl ates or electronic s erial numbers have be en removed, altered or r endered illegib le; or
Limited Warranty