Limited Warranty6 Produ ct purchased, use d, serviced, or s hipped for repair fro m outside the Unite d States of America or C anada, or used for co mmercial or instit utional purpose s (including but not
limited to Products used for rental pu rposes); or
7 Product returned without valid pro of of purchase (see ite m 2 below); or
8 Charges for installation or set up, adju stment of customer c ontrols, and inst allation or repair of sy stems outside the u nit
How do you get warranty service?
• To obtain warranty service in the United States of America , call 1-800-59 5-9511 for instruction s regarding where to r eturn the Product Before calling for se rvice, please ch eck the user’s
manual A check of the Product contr ols and features may save yo u a service call
• Except as provided by applicable law, you assume the risk of l oss or damage during t ransit and transp ortation and are re sponsible for deli very or handling c harges incurred in t he
transport of Product (s) to the servic e location VTech wil l return repaired or re placed product u nder this limited war ranty to you, transp ortation, deli very or handling ch arges prepaid
VTech assumes no risk for damage or loss of t he Product in trans it
• If the Product failure is not covered by this limited warrant y, or proof of purchase doe s not meet the terms of th is limited warrant y, VTech will notify you and wi ll request that you aut horize
the cost of repair prior to any further r epair activity You must pay fo r the cost of repair an d return shipping co sts for the repair of Pro ducts that are not cov ered by this limited war ranty
What must you return with the Product to get warranty service?
1. Return the entire original package a nd contents includ ing the Product to th e VTech service loc ation along with a de scription of the ma lfunction or dif culty; and
2 Include “valid proof of purchase ” (sales receipt) iden tifying the Prod uct purchased (Pro duct model) and th e date of purchase or rec eipt; and
3 Provide your name, complete and corre ct mailing address , and telephone numb er
Other Limitations
This warranty is the complete and excl usive agreement bet ween you and VTech It sup ersedes all other wr itten or oral commu nications relate d to this Product V Tech provides no other
warranties for this Product The war ranty exclusively d escribes all of VTech’s re sponsibilitie s regarding the Pro duct There are no oth er express warranti es No one is authorize d to make
modications to this limited warr anty and you should no t rely on any such modi cation.
State/Provincial Law Rights: This w arranty gives you sp ecic legal righ ts, and you may also have oth er rights, which var y from state to state or p rovince to provinc e.
Limitations: Implied warranties , including those o f tness for a parti cular purpose and me rchantabilit y (an unwritten warran ty that the Product i s t for ordinary us e) are limited to one year
from date of purchase Some states/pr ovinces do not allow l imitations on how lo ng an implied warrant y lasts, so the above l imitation may not app ly to you In no event shall V Tech be
liable for any indirect, special, i ncidental, cons equential, or simi lar damages (inclu ding, but not limited t o lost prots or revenu e, inability to use th e Product or other as sociated equipme nt,
the cost of substitute equipment, a nd claims by third par ties) resulting fro m the use of this Produc t Some states/pr ovinces do not allow t he exclusion or limit ation of incident al or
consequential damages, so the ab ove limitation or exclu sion may not apply to you
Please retain your original sale s receipt as proof of purchas e.