Play messages
To play messages with the telephone base:
Press /PLAY/STOP when the telephone is not in use.
Options during playback:
Press /VOL+ or /VOL- to adjust the speaker volume.
Press /SKIP to skip to the next message.
Press /REPEAT to repeat the message currently playing.
Press /REPEAT twice to listen to the previous message.
Press X/DELETE to delete the current message. The system
advances to the next message.
Press /PLAY/STOP to stop.
To play messages with a handset:
Press MENU/SELECT twice when the telephone is not in use.
If you have either new or old messages, the messages play
automatically. If you have both new and old messages:
To play new messages, press MENU/SELECT to select
>Play new msgs.
To play old messages, scroll to select >Play old msgs and
then press MENU/SELECT.
Options during playback:
Press / VOL or VOL/CID to adjust the speaker volume.
Press EQ to adjust the handset message playback audio
Press 6 to skip to the next message.
Press 4 to repeat the message currently playing. Press 4 twice
to listen to the previous message.
Press 3 to delete the current message. The system advances
to the next message.
Press 5 to stop.
Delete all messages
To delete all messages at the telephone base:
Press X/DELETE when the phone is not in use.
To delete all messages with a handset:
Press MENU/SELECT when the handset is not in use.
Scroll to select >Answering Sys and then >Delete all old
messages? Press MENU/SELECT.
Call intercept
If you want to talk to the person whose message is being
recorded, press /FLASH or on the handset.
Access the answering system remotely
Dial your telephone number from any touch-tone telephone.
When the system plays your announcement, enter the
two-digit remote code. The preset code is 19.
Then you can enter one of the following remote commands.
Hang up or press 8 to end the call.
Command Function
1Play all messages.
2Play only new messages.
3Delete the current message (during playback).
33 Delete all old messages.
4Repeat the current message (during playback).
44 Skip to the previous message (during playback).
*5 Hear a list of remote commands.
6Skip to the next message (during playback).
*7 Record a new announcement.
8End the call.
0Turn the answering system on or off.


If you have difculty with your telephone and headset, please
refer to the user’s manual for a full set of installation and
operation instructions. For customer service, visit our website at
www.vtechphones.com or call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go
to www.vtechcanada.com or call 1 (800) 267-7377.