Software Filter 2

Select the filter time constant, in seconds, for input 2. This smooths a
rapidly changing input signal for display or control purposes.
• Select a positive value to filter only the display.
• Select a negative value to filter the input signal.
• Set the value to [```0] to disable the filter.
[Ftr2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with input 2
hardware and with [`In2] not set to [``no] or [`Ei2].
[`-60] [```0] [``60]
[Ftr2] [Ftr2] [Ftr2]

Linearization 2

Select square root linearization for input 2.
[Lin2] This prompt appears only if you have set Input 2 [`In2] to a
process input or to a thermocouple input set to [0-50] mV.
[``no] [root]
[Lin2] [Lin2]
WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.15
Setup Menus, Chapter 4
See Chapter 8 for
more information
on input lineariza-
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