INDEX – 168
active directory service 105
admin login password
change 92
ADS 105
streaming in iTunes 58, 127
auto backup 60
automatic and complete 25
logs 39
restore 35
backup button 8
backup data
system to USB hard drive 61
USB hard drive to system 61
backup plan 27
customized 27
edit 37
icons 37
remove 39
restore 35
CE compliance 164
change password
downloader 124
China RoHS 165
compliance, regulatory 164
configuration menu 95
customized backup plan 27
data backup 60
date & time 79
deleting a backup plan 39
destination share
setup 120, 124
device name 79
digital media adapter 57
digital picture frames 56
disk manager 110
DLNA media device 57
download queue
change order 145
download task
create 144
Downloader 141
access 141
command icons 143
features 142
UI overview 142
using 144
Downloader destination share
setup 124
Downloader password
change 124
Downloader settings
configure 145
downloads menu 124
drive format 3
e-mail notifications
setup 90
environmental compliance (China) 165
ESD precautions 147
Europe, CE compliance 164
FCC 164
FCC Class B information 164
backup button 8
ports 8
reset button 8
security slot 8
file sharing protocols 117
file storage 17
firmware update 93
folder share permissions 131
folder shares 116
format and configuration 3
general setup 88
general setup settings
configure 89
getting started 3
glossary 159
GNU general public license 166
GPL software 166
group account
create 130