Advanced backup area
In file mode, the initial/default configuration of the WD SmartWare
software is with none of the files/folders selected for backup. After
selecting the files or folders that you want to back up, clicking:
•Apply Changes creates a custom backup plan using your
recent selections
•Revert clears your recent selections and redisplays the prior
applied configuration
Backup schedule
reminder butto n
Not shown in Figure 9 on page 25:
For scheduled backups, clicking the button displays a status
dialog that:
• Shows the date and time of your next scheduled backup, the
last backup that might have been missed, and the last
completed backup
• Provides a Backup Now button for bypassing the schedule and
running the backup now
Backup source content
Same as the content gauge for the backup source device on the
Home tab display. (See “Backup source content gauge” on
page 21.)
Backup target content
Same as the content gauge for the backup target device on the
Home tab display. (See “Backup target content gauge” on
page 22.)
Category/File Backup
toggle button
Switches the backup mode between categories and files:
• Category mode—Backs up files according to their categories,
as shown in the content gauges.
The button name is Switch to File Backup when the backup
mode is category.
• File mode—Backs up files according to their folder structure on
the selected backup source drive.
The button name is Switch to Category Backup when the
backup mode is file.
Enable/Disable Backup
toggle button
Starts and stops the backup.
Set Backup Frequency
Opens the Set Backup Frequency dialog for selecting either
continuous or scheduled backups. A continuous backup runs all
the time. A scheduled backup runs only on specified days at
specified times.
Table 2. Backup Tab Functional Description (Continued)
Display Component Description