WD TV Live Streaming Media Player
User Manual
Discovering the Media Player’s Attached Storage
Using the WD Discovery™ Tool (Windows)
1. Connect the USB hard drive you need for the file transfer to your media player.
2. Ensure that your computer is on the same network as your media player and that
the file sharing option is enabled. Refer to Windows Help for instructions on how
to enable file sharing on your computer.
3. Download the WD Discovery tool from http://products.wd.com/updates.
4. Double-click on the downloaded installer file and follow the on-screen prompts to
install WD Discovery.
5. Run the WD Discovery program after installation.
6. Click WDTVLive in the Network Devices Found list.
7. Click Map Network Shares in the Things To Do list.
8. A message appears asking whether you want to map the drive automatically.
You have two options. Complete step (a) or step (b).
(a) To map the drive automatically, click Yes.
All share folders available on the device are mapped as network drives
automatically. Available drive letters are assigned backwards from Z.
When mapping completes, the connected storage appears as a network
drive in the WD Discovery screen. Click Back to return to the main page.