If you need service or help, we su gest you follow - these 7hree steps:
1. Before calling for service:
Performance problems ore sometimes caused by little things you con correct without tools. Be- fore you call for service, check this list.
If electricity goes off:
Learn how long power will be off by calling the power company.
l If service is to be interrupted 24 hours or less, keep freezer closed. Most food will stay frozen.
l If service is to be interrupted longer than 24 hours, do this:
1.Remove all frozen food and store in a frozen food locker. Or...
2.Place dry ice on top of food, using as large pieces as possible. Protect your hands with gloves when using dry ice.
3.If neither food locker storage or dry ice is
available, use or con perishable food at once.
l The length oftime food will stay frozen depends on several factors. For instance: a full freezer will remain cold longer than a freezer only par- tially filled. And a freezer full of meat will stay cold longer than a freezer filled with baked goods. Also, if the food still contains ice crystals, it may be safely refrozen, although the quality and flavor may be affected. Use this food as soon as convenient. If the condition of the food
is poor or is in any way questionable, it is wise to dispose of it.
If freezer stops running:
l Check to see if power cord is plugged into the outlet.
l Check fuse box or circuit breaker.
l Check electric company for a power failure
If compressor seems to run too long:
l Check to see that condenser, located on bock of freezer, is free of dust and lint.
l On h(:t summer days or if room is hot, compres- sor wi I run longer to provide correct amount of coolirtg.
l If large amounts of unfrozen food hove been put into the freezer, compressor will run longer.
l Chec< to see that there is enough air circula- tion soace above and in bock of freezer.
2. If you need service,.:
where in the United States, help is just a phone call away to your nearest
Whirlpool main-
tains a nationwide network of franchised
runty and provide
mainterance to keep your WHIRLPOOL appli- ance in peak condition.
You’ll find Your nearest
company listed in your local telephone book Yellow Pages under APPLIANCES - HOUSEHOLD - MAJOR ‘- SERVICE & REPAIR. Should you not flnd a Ilstlng, dlal the Whlrlpool
Contlnental U.S. . . . . . . , . Dial (800)
If you mlove...To make sure that your appliance is corre.:tly installed and to insure its continued
satisfac’ory operation, please telephone your nearest
Helpful Iiinfs...You con help your
ranty stcllus.