Whirlpool GL5030 Cycles-EL4030V and GL403OV, Cycles=EL503OV, GL503OV, EL6050V and GL605OV

Models: EL5030V EL4030V EL6050V GL6050V GL4030V GL5030

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Cycles-EL4030V and GL403OV

Regular cycles

The regular cydes describe the types of bads they are designed to dry. Each cyde is followed by a 5 minute ml-down period. During the cool down, the bad tumbles without heat. This helps make the bad easier to handle.

Use EX HEAVY to dry items such as bed- spreads, mattress pads and quilts.

Use HEAVY to dry such kerns as towels, jeans, corduroys and work clothes.

Use MED to dry items such as sheets, pilbw- cases, cotton underwear and diapers.

Use LIGHT to dry batistes, organdies and lingerie.

For the first few bads, set the Cycle Control Knob to point to a line at a cyde in SPECfAL DRY. When the dryer stops, feel the drbd items.



If the items are drier than you like, set the Cycle Control Knob more to the right the next time you dry a similar load.

ffthe items are not as dry as you like, set the Cycle Control Knob more to the left the next time you dry a similar bad.

NOTE: Overdrying can cause shrinkage, static cling and damage to some fabrics.


The PERMANENT PRESS cycle helps provide the special care that permanent press and synthetic fabrics need. The cycle consists of a timed period of heated drying and a 10 minute cooldown period. During the cool down, the bad tumbles without heat. This helps keep wrinkles from setting and makes the bad easier to handle.

NOTE: To help reduce wrinkling, remove the bad from the dryer as soon as tumbling stops. This is important for permanent press, knits and syn- thetic fabrics.

Cycles=EL503OV, GL503OV, EL6050V and GL605OV

The automatic cycles

The automatic cydes let you select the degree of dryness you want. A thermostat senses the air temperature and automatically shuts the dryer off when the selected dryness is reached.

Use AUTO-SENSE HEAVY to dry heavy and mediumweight cotton items. The bad tumbles without heat during the last 5 minutes. This helps make the bad easier to handle.

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Whirlpool Cycles-EL4030V and GL403OV, Cycles=EL503OV, GL503OV, EL6050V and GL605OV, Regular cycles, Automatic cycles