The COOK POWER Srgnal Lrght WI/I come or- and the Drsplay WIII show 2 O’s
Touch COOK POWER. (If you want the high Cook Power, skip to step IO.)
Touch a Number Pad for the Cook Power you want in the second cycle.
10. Touch START.
When you touch START,the COOK CYCLE 1 Lrght WIII stay on whrle the oven IS cooking In the first cycle The COOK POWER Light WI! be on if vou are lustno a Cook Power other than hrg’h All other Sygnal Lights WIII go off
The Display counts down the cooking trme to show how much time IS left in the ftrst cycle
For 2 of every 10 seconds. the Display WI/I show the Cook Power you selected I( you are using a Cook Power other than high
You will hear a beep at the end of the first cycle You can either open the door to check the food, or you can let the oven start the second cycle If you do open the door. just close It and push START to restart the oven
The COOK CYCLE 2 Light will be on during
be off
The Display coi;nts down the cooking time to show how much time IS left In the second cycle
For 2 of every 10 seconds. the Drsplay WI/I show the Cook Power you selected, rf you are using a Cook Power other than high
When the last cycle ends you wtll hear
4 beeps (‘r’ou can stop the beeprng by opening the door or touching CANCEL ) When the beeping stops. the Display WIII show only the ” ”