Symptom | Possible Cause | Corrective Action | |
Heat,CoolorFanRunsConstantly. | 1. | FANSwitchsettoFanON. | Checkeachwireconnectiontoverifytheyare |
| 2. | Possibleshortinwiring. | notshortedortouchingtogether.Nobarewire |
| 3. | Possibleshortinthermostat. | shouldstickoutfromunderterminalscrews. |
| 4. | PossibleshortinHeat/Cool/Fansystem. | Tryresettingthethermostat.Ifthecondition |
| persists the manufacturer of your system |
| or service person can instruct you on how |
| to test the Heat/Cool system for correct |
| operation. If the system operates correctly, |
| replace the thermostat. |
FurnaceCyclesTooFastorTooSllow | 1. Thelocationofthethermostatand/orthesize | Item2intheConfigurationMenuistheadjustment | |
(narroworwidetemperatureswing) |
| oftheHeatingSystemmaybeinfluencingthe | that controls the cycle rate. If an acceptable cycle |
| cycle rate. | rate is not achieved using the FA (Fast) or SL |
| (Slow) adjustment contact a local service person for |
| additional suggestions. |
CoolingCyclesTooFastorTooSlow | 1. Thelocationofthethermostatand/orthesize | The cycle rate for cooling is fixed and cannot be | |
(narroworwidetemperatureswiing) |
| oftheCoolingSystemmaybeinfluencingthe | adjusted.Contactalocalservicepersonfor |
| cyclerate. | suggestions. |
ThermostatSettingandThermometer | 1. | Thermostatthermometersettingrequires | |
Disagree |
| adjustment. | listedinitem7oftheConfigurationMenu.Noother |
| adjustment is possible. |
Clock Loses or Gains Time | 1. Loss of power to thermostat and low batteries. | The thermostat will maintain its program in memory | |
| even with no power/no batteries but the clock time |
| will be incorrect when power is restored. See No |
| Heat/No Cool/No Fan (common problems) above |
| for items to check in the system. |
HeatorCoolStartsEarly | 1. | EMRactivated | SeeConfigurationMenu(Item4). |
ThermostatDoesNotFollowProgram | 1. AMorPMsetincorrectlyinprogram. | Checkcurrentclockandprogramsettingsincluding | |
| 2. AM or PM set incorrectly on the clock. | the AM or PM designations for each time period. | |
| 3. Voltage spike or static discharge. | If a voltage spike or static discharge occurs use the | |
| Reset Operation listed above. |
BlankDisplayand/orKeypadNot | 1. | Lossofpoweranddeadbatteries. | Replacebatteriesandcheckheat/coolsystemfor |
Responding | 2. | VoltageSpikeorStaticDischarge. | properoperation.Ifavoltagespikeorstaticdischarge |
| occurs use the Reset Operation listed above. |