Now that you are familiar with the thermostat buttons and display, read the following information to learn about the many features of the thermostat.
•SIMULTANEOUS HEATING/COOLING PROGRAM STORAGE — When programming, you can enter both your heating and cooling programs at the same time. There is no need to reprogram the thermostat at the beginning of each season.
until the display shows the temperature you want. The thermostat will override current programming and keep the room temperature at the selected temperature until the next program period begins. Then the thermostat will automati- cally revert to the program.
•HOLD TEMPERATURE — The thermostat can hold any temperature within its range for an indefinite period, without reverting to the programmed temperature. Press HOLD TEMP/ADV DAY button. HOLD will be displayed. Then
choose the desired hold temperature by pressing
. The thermostat will hold the room temperature at the selected setting until you press RUN PRGM button to start program operation again.
and HOLD TEMP/ADV DAY buttons until the temperature display is in Celsius (°C). To display Fahrenheit (°F), repeat the process.
•12-HOUR/24-HOUR CLOCK DISPLAY — The clock is set to display 12-hour time, which means that the clock will display AM and PM time (12:00 AM is midnight; 12:00 PM is noon). However, you may want to display a 24-hour clock (military-style time). The 24-hour clock display will show 1:00 PM as 13:00, 2:00 PM as 14:00, and so on. To change to the 24-hour clock display, press SET TIME/SET TEMP and RUN PRGM buttons at the same time. In the 24-hour clock mode, AM and PM are not displayed.
•LOW BATTERY INDICATOR — If the 3 “AA” alkaline batteries are low and should be replaced, the display will be blank except for the word BATTERY. When the batteries are low, pressing any button will cause the display to operate for ten seconds. After ten seconds, the display will be blank except for the word BATTERY. You cannot program with low batteries, but you can override setpoint temperature.
•TEMPERATURE DISPLAY ADJUSTMENT — Your new thermostat has been accurately set in our factory. However, if you wish, you may adjust your new thermostat tempera-
ture display to match your old thermostat. This can be accomplished (within a ±4° range) as follows:
1.Press VIEW PRGM and HOLD TEMP/ADV DAY buttons at the same time.
to adjust the displayed temperature to your desired setting.
3.Press RUN PRGM to resume normal program opera- tion.
•COPY DAY FUNCTION — This feature allows Monday’s program to be copied into the rest of the week’s program- ming. This feature is only available the first time you program your thermostat. To use this feature, simply enter the program for Monday as described in PROGRAM- MING YOUR THERMOSTAT, and then press RUN PRGM.
Now you are ready to program your thermostat. This section will help you plan your thermostat’s program to meet your needs. For maximum comfort and efficiency, keep the following guide- lines in mind when planning your program.
•When heating (cooling) your building, program the tem- peratures to be cooler (warmer) when the building is vacant or during periods of low activity.
•During early morning hours, the need for cooling is usually minimal.
Look at the factory preprogrammed times and temperatures shown below. If this program will suit your needs, simply press the RUN PRGM button to begin running the factory preset program.
Heating Program for | Cooling Program for |
ALL days of the Week: | ALL Days of the Week: |
1st | 6:00 AM | 68°F | 1st | 6:00 AM | 78°F |
2nd | 8:00 AM | 68°F | 2nd | 8:00 AM | 82°F |
3rd | 5:00 PM | 68°F | 3rd | 5:00 PM | 78°F |
4th | 10:00 PM | 64°F | 4th | 10:00 PM | 78°F |
If you want to change the preprogrammed times and tempera- tures, follow these steps.
1.Determine the heating and cooling temperatures you want to use. You may select up to four heating temperatures (HEAT 1, HEAT 2, HEAT 3, and HEAT 4), and up to four cooling temperatures (COOL 1, COOL 2, COOL 3, and COOL 4). Use the table below to write down the temperatures you have selected.
| Heat Temperatures | Cool Temperatures |
| | | | | | | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | | | | | | | |
Your selected | | | | | | | | |
temperatures* | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Factory | 68°F | 68°F | 68°F | 64°F | 78°F | 82°F | 78°F | 78°F |
pre-programmed |
temperatures* | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
*You may only program heating temperatures you have selected into the heating program and cooling temperatures into the cooling program (for example, you cannot program the COOL 1 temperature into your heating program).
You may program the temperatures you choose in any order, and you may use the same temperature in consecutive program periods (for example, you may program period 1 with temperature 1 and periods 2, 3, and 4 with temperature 2).
You do not have to use all possible temperature choices (for example, you may want to select temperatures for HEAT 1 and HEAT 2 only – in this case, the HEAT 3 and HEAT 4 temperatures would stay the same as previously programmed).
2.Determine the time periods during which you will program the temperatures you have just selected. You must program four periods for each day (periods 1, 2, 3, and 4). However, you may use the same heating and cooling temperatures for consecutive time periods. Also keep in mind that, for any given day, you can only program one set of times for both heating and cooling (for example, if you select 5:00 AM to begin heating period 1 on Monday, then your cooling period 1 for Monday will also begin at 5:00 AM). However, you may select different time periods for each day separately (for example, heating/cooling period 1 on Monday may begin at 5:00 AM, but heating/cooling period 1 on Saturday may begin at 9:00 AM). Use the table on the following page to plan your program time periods, and the temperatures you want during each period. You may also want to look at the sample program table to get an idea of how the thermostat can be programmed.