Proper tire inflation and chain lubrication will improve your comfort and performanceBell
A bell or horn is useful as a warning and as a courtesy to alert pedes-
trians and trail users of your approach. Remember that a bell or horn
will probably not be heard by motor vehicle operators.
Regular maintenance and inspection
Perform maintenance and safety checks yourself, or take your bicycle
to a qualified bicycle mechanic regularly. (See the 2 Minute Bike
Check in the appendix.) It is particularly important to frequently
check the brakes and tires, and to clean, inspect, and lubricate the dri-
vetrain (the gears, chain, and derailleur). By doing this you will
ensure the efficient performance of the bicycle, ensure that your bicy-
cle will perform properly in an emergency situation and minimize the
risk of a mechanical breakdown far from home or assistance.
Each time you ride you should do this minimum ABC Quick Check:
A = Air. Be sure your tires are inflated to the recommended pressure
on the sidewall
Panniers (saddle bags)
Panniers allow you to comfortably and safely carry a load while keep-
ing your hands on the handlebars and, by keeping your center of
gravity low, they increase stability. These bicycle-mounted packs also
keep the weight off your bottom, reducing ‘saddle sores’ and back
pain. DO NOT hang grocery bags or carry loose loads on your han-
dlebars as they can upset the control of your bicycle and prevent you
from properly turning your front wheel to avoid an obstacle or to
make an emergency maneuver.
Tool Kit/Pump
A tool kit and a pump are a necessity for longer road trips and useful
around town to prevent a potentially long walk for minor repairs. A basic
tool kit includes: tire levers, spare tube, patch kit, pump, screwdriver, and
multi-purpose tools or wrenches suitable for adjusting a variety of nuts
and bolts. Be sure that the tube and tools fit your bike, since there are
many types and sizes. If you are unsure, consult your bike shop.
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