Bicycling is fun. Bicycling is healthy.
Bicycling is low impact exercise.
Bicycling is practical and cost effective.
Bicycling is good for the environment.
Bike Sense is designed to make your bicycling safe and enjoyable.
Enjoy the ride!
energy levels. Bicycling can improve personal health, and a healthier pop-
ulation will ease pressure on health care costs.
Bicycling is low impact exercise.It is easy on your joints because it is a
non weight-bearing form of exercise. It can be done at any level of inten-
sity, which makes it suitable for people of all ages and levels of fitness.
Bicycling is practical and cost effective.It is often just as fast as a car
or a bus in city traffic, and bicycling makes it easy to avoid traffic jams.
There are no gas tanks to fill, and parking is usually free and available
next to your destination. Once you have the basic equipment, bicycling
is an extremely economical form of transportation.
Bicycling is good for the environment.Bicycling produces no air pollu-
tion, greenhouse gases or noise. It also reduces traffic congestion,
deterioration of road surfaces, and land requirements for roads and
parking lots.
Bicycling is fun.People bicycle for many reasons. Riding your bicycle
allows you to feel active and energetic, to improve your fitness, and to enjoy
the surroundings of the natural environment. Bicycling provides the inde-
pendence of using only your own power, free from the constraints of
motor vehicles. Wisconsin has an extensive system of both on- and off-road
facilities for all abilities. Paved rural roads, multi-use trails, paved shoulders
on county and state trunk highways, bike lanes in urban areas, and signed
bike routes all make bicycling for transportation as well as recreation easier.
Bicycling is healthy.Incorporating exercise into your lifestyle brings
many health benefits. It can strengthen your immune system, lower
blood cholesterol, reduce stress, strengthen your heart, and increase
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