Installing Auxiliary Table
2.Remove the tool rest table from your grinder.
3.Center the jig auxiliary table over the grinder table, then use a scratch awl through the three mounting holes of the auxiliary table to mark the grinder table (see Figure 3).
Note: Make sure that you position the tables so that when the jig is mounted on the grinder, the auxiliary table edge shown in Figure 3 is facing the grinding wheel.
Mounting Holes
Figure 3. The mounting holes of the jig auxiliary
4.Use a center punch to indent these marks on the grinder table, then drill 7⁄32" holes completely through the table.
5.Insert the three included mounting screws from underneath the grinder table, then loosely thread them into the auxiliary table.
6.Square the auxiliary table with the grinding wheel surface, then fully tighten the mounting screws.
Loosen the clamping screws shown in Figure 4, slide the tool under the top bar and align its left side up against the 90° stop pins to make it square with the grinding wheel, then
Screws &
90° Stop