The CXI System is a color mixing color changer and power supply in a range of models
offering ease of setup and use. The lightweight color changers slide easily into the gel
frame holder of the light fixture. The compact power supplies attach easily to the truss of
the lighting rig or mount into a 19-inch rack.
This manual gives step-by-step instructions for preparation, setup and operation of the
CXI Color Changer and power supply.
The CXI System Overview
The CXI System consists of one or more CXI Color Changers and a remote Coloram II
Power Supply. The DMX512 control signal from the lighting board is connected to the
power supply and can continue on to more Coloram II Power Supplies or other DMX
controlled devices. The power supply sends both power and control signal on a single
cable eliminating the need for a separate power cable for the color changer.
CXI color changers are 100% compatible with all members of the Coloram II family
including Coloram II color changers, the Coloram II Power Supplies, the Eclipse Dowser
and others. You can daisy chain CXI color changers with other Coloram equipment if
you wish.
The CXI System also allows you to control the color changer fan speed via an additional
DMX channel from the lighting console.
The CXI System is equipped with the Intelligent Diagnostic System (IDS). Status
information is sent from each of the CXI Color Changers to the Coloram II Power
Caution: The CXI System is compatible with the Coloram II equipment but is
not compatible with the Forerunner System. Do not connect CXI Color
Changers to Forerunner Power Supplies, or Forerunner Color Changers to CXI
Power Supplies. Damage from such action will not be covered by the CXI or
Forerunner warranties.