WYBRON, INC. warran ts to the original owner or retail cu stomer that for a period of one year
from date of delivery of a portable system or energization of a permanently installed system (up
to a maximum of 18 mo nths from delivery) its products wi ll be free from defects in materials a nd
workmanship under nor mal use and service.
Warranty does not cove r any product or part of a product subject to accident, negligence,
alteration, abuse, misus e or any accessories or parts not s upplied by WYBRON, INC. Warra nty
does not cover "consum able" parts such as fuses, lamps, or color media. WYBRON, INC.'s
warranty does not exten d to items not manufactured by u s. Freight terms on warranty repai rs
are FOB WYBRON, IN C. factory or designated repair facil ity. Collect shipments or freight
allowances will not be a ccepted.
WYBRON, INC.'s sole responsibility under this warranty s hall be to repair or replace at
WYBRON, INC.'s optio n such parts as shall be determined to be defected on WYBRON, INC .'s
inspection. WYBRON, INC. will not assume any responsi bility for any labor expended or
materials used to repair any equipment without WYBRON , INC.'s prior written authorization .
WYBRON, INC. shall n ot be responsible for any incidenta l, general or consequential damage s
to property, damages fo r loss of use, time, profits or incom e, or any other charges.
The owner's obligations during the warranty period under this warranty are to notify WYBRO N,
INC. at WYBRON, INC .'s address within one week of any suspected defect, and return the
goods prepaid to WYBR ON, INC. at their factory or author ized service center.
This warranty is conting ent on the customer's full and tim ely compliance with the terms of
payment set forth in sai d purchase order. This warranty is expressly in lieu of any and all oth er
warranties expressed o r implied including the warranties o f merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose and of other obligations and liabilities o n our part. The owner acknowledg es
that no other representa tions were made to him or relied u pon him with respect to the quality
and function of the good s sold.
This written warranty is intended as a complete and exclu sive statement of the terms thereo f.
Prior dealings or trade u sage shall not be relevant to modif y, explain or vary this warranty.
Acceptance of, or acqui escing in, a course of performance under this warranty shall not modi fy
the meaning of this agreement even though either party has knowledge of the performance and
a chance to object.