The Net-IT takes what are currently two different boxes, a DMX-over-Ethernet Output
Node, and a two-universe RDM Controller (IT Gateway), and combines them into a
single box. Instead of wiring up to two different boxes and configuring each, this product
will make this process easier, simpler and decrease failures points. The Net-IT PS-600
is three products in one as it adds the functionality of a Wybron PS-600 power supply
for powering Wybron fixtures such as Coloram IT, CXI IT, and Eclipse IT.
As a two port Ethernet/DMX512 Gateway, the Net-IT receives DMX512 control protocol
over Ethernet and converts it to standard 5 pin XLR DMX512 output signal. The DMX-
over-Ethernet protocols supported are Art-Net II and E1.31 (streaming DMX subset of
ACN). The protocol can be configured on the units’ web page.
Additionally, this product contains all of the RDM device control and feedback
functionality found in the Infogate Gateway. The Infogate GUI application will make a
connection over the same Ethernet connection that is used to receive streaming DMX.
Please consult the Infogate Users manual for details on its use.
This product also has six 4-pin powered output ports for Wybron devices. These ports
send 24 volts DC and the DMX signal to devices, eliminating the need for separate
Caution: The Net-IT PS-600 is compatible with Forerunner devices but NOT the
RAM/Coloram II family of de vices (i.e. Coloram II, CXI, Goboram II, etc.) DO NOT connect
PS compatible devices to R AM/Coloram II Power Supplies, or RA M/Coloram II compatible
devices to PS Power Suppl ies. Damage from such action will no t be covered by the
equipment warranties.
Wybron Compatible Devices:
• Nexera LX
• Coloram IT
• Ecllipse IT I, II, Iris, Shutter
• Forerunner color changers
Refer to the user manuals for detailed operating information on these products. More
products will be compatible in the future.