Xantech DCCBB, DCSS PROGRAMMING A. Adjusting Speaker Volume, B. Adjusting the Microphone Volume


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A. Adjusting Speaker Volume

The speaker volume pot can be adjusted to increase or decrease the speaker volume to the level desired.

B. Adjusting the Microphone Volume

In certain noisy locations (background traffic, machinery or wind), the microphone volume may need to be decreased. A symptom of this is one-way talk path, in which the distant party cannot be heard over the speaker. A microphone volume pot is provided for increasing or decreasing the microphone volume.

Note: If the microphone volume is set too high or too low, one-way talk path may occur.

C. Call Length Time Out

This feature limits the maximum length of time that calls can be connected to 5 minutes.

D. Silence Time Out

This feature limits the length of time that calls will remain connected without voice activity to 40 seconds.


When the push button is pressed, the DCSS/DCCBB phone goes off-hook, much like a standard speaker phone. In the event that the line is busy, the DCSS/DCCBB will hang-up. The DCSS/DCCBB will also automatically hang up on CPC, silence, busy signal, return to dial tone or time out. The DCSS/DCCBB will also answer any incoming call.




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Xantech DCCBB, DCSS PROGRAMMING A. Adjusting Speaker Volume, B. Adjusting the Microphone Volume, C. Call Length Time Out