INDEX-9 Master Index
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Mana ging Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
changing full color to highlight color SJ
Decomp Service examples DC 1-1–DC
forwarding PJ 3-3
holding PJ 3-3
ID number, determining PJ 1-29
ineligible PJ 3-8
listing PJ 3-7–PJ 3-10
master DC 4-1
promoting PJ 3-3, PJ 3-11
releasing PJ 3-3
scheduling PJ 3-12
long PJ 5-9
order PJ 5-10
status, determining PJ 3-7–PJ 3-10
DocuPrint NPS Setup window
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0
accessing SJ 6-9
image shift SJ 6-12
imaging and job setup options SJ
6-10–SJ 6-13
job notes SJ 6-13–SJ 6-14
paper stocks SJ 6-15–SJ 6-17
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent)
advanced PostScript options SJ
5-71–SJ 5-76
copy count SJ 5-57
finishing features SJ 5-59
highlight color SJ 5-67–SJ 5-71
image shift SJ 5-58
job notes SJ 5-59–SJ 5-61
overview SJ 5-56
page orientation SJ 5-57
page range SJ 5-57
paper stocks SJ 5-61–SJ 5-64
paper weight SJ 5-58
preferences SJ 5-76
programming, Main Stock SJ 5-58
sides to image SJ 5-57
special pages SJ 5-65–SJ 5-67
formmrg tool DC 6-13
getg4 tool DC 9-1–DC 9-2
installing Decomp Services DC 2-2
reprint tool DC 6-13
xcat tool DC 6-15
xmerge tool DC 6-14
DOS client software
installing SJ 2-2
removing SJ 2-6
double byte fonts PD 1-3
drilled paper
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-16
Windows NT 4.0 SJ 5-64
drivers, PCL 5c PD 2-17
drivers, Xerox SJ 1-1
cartridge tape IP 5-6
disk IP 2-3, SO 2-4
DVD-ROM IP 2-3, SO 2-4
dry ink cartridge, replacing RM 4-2
dry ink distribution PD 1-14
DSE (Document Structure Editor) DC 9-1
dual feeder IP 6-18
Dual Mode SO 5-1
Dump Accounting command CM 9-7
color SO 1-7
Duplex commands, PCL PD 2-9
duplex printing PJ 5-11, PD 2-8
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ
duplexing with MultiSet PJ 5-11
DVD-ROM drive IP 2-3, SO 2-4
dynamic media, setting PJ 4-5–PJ 4-6
dynamic plex changes PJ 7-2
EarlyStaple option PJ 5-9
edge deletion SJ 4-40
eexec operator PD 1-8
Eject CD-ROM command CM 2-2
Eject CDROM command CM 2-2
Eject Floppy command CM 2-2
ejecting a CD-ROM CM 2-2
ejecting a diskette CM 2-2
specifications IP 5-1–IP 5-3, IP 6-1