INDEX-11 Master Index
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide IP = Installation Planning Guide
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide PD = Guide to Using PDL PJ = Guide to Mana ging Print Jobs RM -Guide to Performing Routine
Maintenance SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client SO = System Overview Guide TG = Troubleshooting Guide
backing up Xerox CM 2-10
NPS log, maintaining CM 9-9
referenced content
cleanup PJ 6-7
placement PJ 6-2
shared resource PJ 6-2
single-use PJ 6-2
referencing PJ 6-3
restoring backed-up site CM 2-10
restoring Xerox CM 2-11
specifying for printing
Macintosh LaserWriter driver 8.x SJ
4-10, SJ 4-22
transferring PJ 6-3
fill TG 5-4
fill operator PD 1-24–PD 1-26
FillOrder TIFF tag DC E-1
filter operator PD 1-21, PD 1-34
finishing device maximum PJ 1-10
finishing features
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-59
finishing options IS 5-14
specifications IS A-4–IS A-5
FirstComeFirstServed attribute PJ 3-13
Fixed Document Reference file DC 6-15
FlipSide attribute PJ 1-12
floating-point operators PD 1-1
floor leveling IP 6-15
see diskette
floppy, see diskette
flushfile TG 5-2
flushing input data PD 1-21
font installation commands IP 2-6, SO 2-7
Font Thicken parameter CM 5-31
fonts IS 2-3
Adobe Type 1 IP 2-6, SO 2-7
cache size PD 1-33
Chinese PD 1-3
consistency PD 1-16
converting IS 4-13
creating PD 1-6
default PD 1-3
deleting CM 10-4
double byte PD 1-3
downloading IS 4-10
error messages PD 1-22
HP PCL CM 10-3
HP PCL 5 PD 2-5
IBM AFP collection IS 4-10–IS 4-12
installing CM 10-2
Intellifont PD 2-4
list, printing CM 10-8
all available CM 10-7
disk CM 10-6
printer controller CM 10-6
loading PD 1-4, PD 1-6
MICR PD 1-3, PD 2-4, IP 2-7, SO 2-8
name, specifying PJ 1-2
PCL IP 2-6, IP 2-7, SO 2-7, SO 2-8
printer-resident IS 4-10
sample, printing CM 10-8
selecting PD 2-4
size, specifying PJ 1-2
Type 0 PD 1-3
installing PD 1-3
Type 1
installing PD 1-2
using PD 1-5–PD 1-8
Type 3 PD 1-3
installing PD 1-3
user-defined PD 1-4
using IS 4-10–IS 4-13
Xerox CMC-7 IS 5-12
Xerox E13B IS 5-12
fonts, MICR PD 2-4
fonts, PCL
sample, printing CM 10-9
form DC 6-2
form definitions, (FormDefs) IS 2-2
form files
ByteCode format DC A-1–DC A-2
TIFFg4 format DC A-1–DC A-2
Form format DC 3-3–DC 3-6
form references
applications DC 8-7–DC 8-9
GetTiff macro DC 8-4–DC 8-7
overview DC 8-1
run exec macro DC 8-1–DC 8-3