WorkCentre® Pro 423/428
So many features... so little cost
Optimize printing performance for workgroups.
Don't just print. Produce. Really produce... with network printing and features that traditionally come with a higher price.
•An Embedded Web Server (EWS) allows you to monitor print jobs and run status using a PC browser. Users can set print and fax functions from the PC. Network administrators can better understand and support the office’s printing needs.
• | Print via the Internet from | • Add watermarks to docu- | • Connect directly to a |
| any location using Internet | ments to clearly label | workstation with either a |
| Protocol Printing (IPP). | them as “Confidential” | parallel or USB con- |
• | Secure Print holds confi- | or “Urgent.” | nection, or to a wide |
| range of network envi- | ||
| dential documents until |
| |
| ronments such as | |
| you release them using a |
| |
| TCP/IP, Ethernet, Novell, | |
| password. Sample Print |
| |
| and many others with the | |
| reduces waste by printing |
| |
| ||
| one set for examination |
| |
| Card. | |
| before printing the rest. |
| |
Customize the touch screen to display the features you use most.
Multiply your productivity.
The WorkCentre Pro 423/428 gives you high quality copies… quickly and reliably.
• Digital features give your | copies. Print multiple | • Simplify your everyday | • Create |
documents new life. Get | sets without manual sort- | document production. | documents at near |
sharper image quality | ing or create booklets | Copy transparencies and | rated speeds. |
and crisper looking | quickly and easily. | multiple handouts with a |
| single operation. |
Convert hardcopy to digital.
Optional WorkCentre Pro 423/428 features come bundled with
• Scan 1 or | • Use PaperPort Deluxe to | • OCR text documents |
up to Ledger size origi- | view scanned documents, | with TextBridge and |
nals. Use CentreWare | then drag and drop them | make them editable and |
Scanning Services 5.3 | into other desktop or | available to all of your |
to store the TIFF files | network applications. | applications. |
on the network. |
Faxing as convenient as a phone call, as fast as an email.
Traditional phone faxing has never been easier for you, or more beneficial for your
A Total Office Document Management Solution.
The WorkCentre Pro 423/428 offers the features and intelligence to manage your documents at new levels of effi- ciency from data capture, information sharing, storing, printing and copying.
•PC Faxing allows you to eliminate the hardcopy
Faxing is surprising- ly easy when it uses the Internet instead of the phone lines.
and fax directly from your PC at 33.6 Kbps.
•Expecting a confidential document? Fax to Mailbox stores faxes securely until you are ready to receive them.
•Receive incoming faxes as fast as email. No more busy signals that block productivity.
•Reduce costs by elimi- nating long distance telephone charges.