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Port Range If some packets whose port number cannot be translated for special
applications, you must set state to “Enable” and input value in port range.
Alternatively, if its port cannot be translated in the specified time period, you
must set Enable and enter a seconds value in Timeout.
NAT Alias For each alias entry, the WAN IP acts as an alias of the host with Local LAN IP
accessing the Internet via the specified WAN port for the specified protocol
packets, i.e. 1-1 NAT.
NAT Alias List NAT Alias List shows the list of all NAT alias configuration data which are
currently defined. You can modify its configuration data by selecting and
clicking on a row.
Check NAT
Detail Shows all detailed NAT configuration data.
NAT Connection
List This shows the current details of all NAT entries which include interface,
protocol, state, destination IP, WAN IP, local IP, idle time and in/out packets.