Erasing a track
To erase a track, proceed as follows:
(a) Press [REC] to enter RECORDING mode.
(b) Select the track you want to erase (so that the indicator is red).
(c) Press [START/STOP] twice.
CLP-811/611 Using the Recorder
To select a track for playback, press the corresponding track button so that the
indicator comes on green. You can then start the playback by pressing
[START/STOP]. Note that you are free to select either or both tracks. (If a track
is empty, its indicator will not come on.)
Playback always begins from the
start of the recorded data, and
stops automatically at the end of
the recorded data. The LCD
displays the measure count as
playback progresses. You can stop
playback at any time by pressing the [START/STOP] button.
If both tracks contain data, then once you have started playback you can
toggle sound for either track ON or OFF by pressing the corresponding track
You cannot start playback
while the Clavinova is in DEMO/
PIANO SONG mode or
FUNCTION mode. (But note that
FUNCTION mode is automati-
cally released when you press
either of the track buttons.)
It is possible to play along on the
keyboard during playback.
To adjust the playback volume
and tempo...
slider and the [TEMPO] buttons.
To restore the initial TEMPO
setting, press both TEMPO
buttons at the same time.
The Clavinova retains the
recording even after power
goes off, and will hold it for
about a week without power. If
you wish to maintain the data for
a long period of time, be sure to
switch the power on at least a
few minutes each week.
You can use the MIDI Bulk
Dump function to save your
recording to an external storage
device (such as a Yamaha DOU-
10 Disk Orchestra Unit). See
page 34 for details.
If you use the metronome
during playback...
It will automatically switch off
when playback is finished.
A track will not produce any
sound if its indicator is off.
This is in contrast to built-in
piano songs, where even a
deselected track may play back
at low volume as a practice aid
(see page 11).
Playback data is not transmit-
ted through the MIDI OUT
Measure count