Performance Memory
The Chord Sequence Function
ZEngage the Chord Sequence Function ................................................................................................
Press the [CHORD SEQUENCE] button. The [ORCH/3-10] and [RHYTHM]
track button indicators will glow red, and the ABC SINGLE/FINGERED mode
will be automatically selected.
• The chord sequence data will replace any previous ABC data.
The CHORD SEQUENCE function provides a convenient way to enter chord sequences and style changes one at a time.
XEnter the Chords and/or Style Changes...............................................................................................
Make the required style changes (style number, normal/variation, fill-in, intro/
ending, and tempo, as necessary), play and hold a chord on the left-hand section of
the keyboard, and press the [q] key (look for the “q” symbol above the B6 key) or
the [w] key (C7) to enter the chord for a quarter note or whole note, respectively.
You can move one beat backward by pressing the [?] key (A6).
Continue entering chords in this manner until your sequence is complete.
• The number of the measure to be entered is shown on the display, while the beat
to be entered is shown on the BEAT display.
• If no chords are entered, the result will be a rhythm-only sequence.
CStop Recording.......................................................................................................................................
When all the required chords and style changes have been entered, press the
[CHORD SEQUENCE] button to stop recording.
• The chord sequence data now resides in Performance Memory tracks 3 though
10 and 15, and can be played back in the normal way. Add melody tracks 1 and 2
as required. You can also record over individual tracks of the sequence and
replace them with original material if you like by using the standard Performance
Memory track selection and record procedure.
●Punch-in Chord Sequence Recording
You can begin chord sequence recording from any point within a previously-
recorded song by pausing playback at the point you want to begin chord se-
quence recording, engaging the Chord Sequence function at that point, and en-
tering the chords up to the end of the sequence as described above.
• If you attempt punch-in chord sequence recording on a song in which no chord
sequence data has been entered, “DATA NOT EDITABLE!” will appear on the
display and the recording will not be possible.
• If you record chord sequences to all songs on a disk, the maximum number of
songs available on that disk will be 55.
œ= 78 Pop 1
œ= 78 Dbm