Can’t wait to get going? Here’s all you need to lay down the beat and
start jamming on your new DJX! Just follow the numbers...
Step 1 The DJX — Take it for a spin!
Sure, the DJX is ready to play right out of the box — but we urge you to
take the time to read this short, easy-to-understand section. If you’ve
never even touched an electronic keyboard before, following the steps in
this section will make you a master of the DJX in virtually no time at all!
Plus, it will give you the tools to explore and use the advanced functions
in your music. Enjoy!
Unless you enjoy reading manuals, you’re probably
eager to start playing your new DJX right now.
If so, this next section is for you!
6A special Beat Reverse key lets
you break up the beat and hit
the top of the measure. Play
the key repeatedly and stutter
the rhythm a bit!
• Want to find out more? See page 52.
Give it some juice...
Give it some juice...
1Plug in the adaptor, and turn on the power.
Work out on the knobs!
Work out on the knobs!
3These three knobs give you dynamic, real-time
control over the pattern. Try ‘em out!
• Want to find out more? See page 59.
Start it up!
Start it up!
2Start the pattern by pressing the START/STOP
button. You can also start the pattern by
pressing any one of the keys in the PATTERN
section of the keyboard.
• Want to find out more? See page 45.
Cut loose on the ribbon!
Cut loose on the ribbon!
4Slide your finger along the RIBBON
CONTROLLER and hear how the
sound changes. There are tons of
things you can assign to this, too!
• Want to find out more? See page 66.
Mix up the beats!
Mix up the beats!
5Play around with the BEAT A and BEAT B
buttons, and get the rhythm to flow.
Shake it up and turn it ‘round!
Shake it up and turn it ‘round!
Change the “feel” or timing of
the pattern. Turn this to give it
some swing, make it laid-
back... or just play it straight.
You call the shots with this
knob... Assign it to control
dynamics, tempo/pitch, or any
one of a variety of functions!
Pump up the bass of the
entire DJX sound with
this knob!