G: Pitch Bend Range
Settings: 0 … 24
Sets the maximum range of pitch bend data generated by
the G50. The minimum setting of “0” produces no pitch
bend data, while the maximum setting of “24” allows the
G50 to produce pitch bend data over a 2-octave range.
Each step corresponds to a semitone: a setting of “4”
produces a pitch bend range corresponding to an interval
of a third, a setting of “7” produces a pitch bend range
corresponding to an interval of a fifth, etc. When set to
“0”, bending a string or using the whammy bar will
produce sudden semitone jumps when the pitch of the
string(s) reaches that of the next note. A setting of “1” is
similar to “0”, but allows a small bend range which is
suitable for vibrato.
• Whenever this setting is changed the selected pitch bend
range setting is transmitted via MIDI OUT.
• If your tone generator does not recognize MIDI pitch bend
range messages, set the tone generator’s own pitch bend
range parameter as required.
Tone Generator SetupThe “Tone Generator Setup” parameters specify a range
of MIDI messages to be transmitted when the current G50
program is selected: e.g. which tone generator voice is
selected, as well as any MIDI volume, pan, or controller
settings you might want to transmit for the selected voice.
The corresponding MIDI sessage is also transmitted when
any of these parameters are edited.
H: Program Number
Settings: off, 1 … 128
Specifies the MIDI program number to be transmitted
when the current G50 program is selected. If, for ex-
ample, you want the current G50 program to select, say,
voice (or “patch”) number 57 on your synthesizer/tone
generator, set this parameter to “57”.
Turn this parameter “off” if you don’t want any MIDI
data to be transmitted by the current G50 program. The
“off” setting also makes it possible to automatically
switch between the direct guitar sound and the mixed
guitar/synthesized sound when using one of the split
functions described in the “Real Time Control” section,
below (i.e. turn the “H: Program Number” parameter
“off” for one of the programs used in the split setup, so
that only the direct guitar sound is produced by that
I: Bank MSB
Settings: off, 0 … 127, ---
J: Bank LSB
Settings: off, 0 … 127, ---
These two parameters set the program change bank
number for tone generators which have more than 128
voices with bank selection. The bank number is made up
of two parts: a MSB (Most Significant Byte) and an LSB
(Least Significant Byte). Both the Program Bank MSB
and LSB can be set from “0” to “127”, or turned “off” if
no bank number is to be transmitted. Since the bank
number is always transmitted with a program change
number, “---” appears on the display and the Program
Bank MSB/LSB parameters are not available when the H:
Program Number parameter is turned “off”.
K: Volume
Settings: off, 0 … 127
Sets the Master Volume level of the receiving tone
generator. This parameter is an ideal way to individually
set the volume level of each voice selected by the G50 for
optimum “balance” in your application: e.g. so that there
are no unnatural volume changes when switching between
voices, or so that the volume of the selected voice is just
right for the backing with which it will be used, etc. The
“K: Volume” parameter also specifies the maximum
volume setting which can be received from the G1D
Divided Pickup volume control or an external MIDI
controller such as the Yamaha MFC10 MIDI Foot Con-
The Volume range is from “0” (minimum volume) to
“127” (maximum volume). This parameter can also be
turned “off” if you want no volume data to be transmitted.
L: Pan
Settings: off, L15 … C … R15
Sends a MIDI panpot message which sets the stereo pan
position of the corresponding tone generator voice. The
range is from “L15” (full left) through “C” (center) to
“R15” (full right). No panpot data is transmitted when
this parameter is turned “off” (although a “center” panpot
message is sent the instant that this parameter is actually
set to “off”).
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