1. MIDI Receive/Send
1.1 Receive/Send Conditions
< MIDI Receive Conditions >
MIDI IN→$Bn (Control change)
$Cn (Program change)
$Dn (After Touch)
$En (Pitch Bend)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0256OM
(1 Memory bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0256MA
(All memory bulk)
$F0 43 10 56 gg pp dd dd F7
(Parameter Change)
$F0 43 20 7A LM__0256OM
(1 Memory Dump Request)
$F0 43 20 7A LM__0256MA
(All memory Dump Request)
$F0 43 20 7A LM__0256SY
(System Dump Request)
< MIDI Send Conditions >
$9n (Note on/off) →MIDI OUT
$Bn (Control change)
$Cn (Program change)
$Dn (After Touch)
$En (Pitch Bend)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0256OM
(1 Memory bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0256MA
(All memory bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0256SY
(System bulk)
$FE (Active Sensing)
1.2 Channel Message
Usually during performance, strings 1-6 use 6 separate MIDI
channels however, strings 1-6 can also be combined to use a
single MIDI channel. Also, the ability to change between 2
voices on the same string is provided with Program changes,
When the Hold function is used, a 7th MIDI channel is used to
transmit data for the Hold function. Because MIDI channel 10 is
normally reserved for drums and rhythm in many multi-timbral
applications, channel 10 is not available in the Multi-channel
1.2.1 Note On/Off
Velocity range = 1-127.
Does not receive Note On/Off Messages
1.2.2 Control Change, Pitch Bend, After Touch
Data for Control Change, Pitch Bend and After Touch mes-
sages received via MIDI, are only transmitted to the currently
used channels.
However, when Master Volume ($Bn.7.0-127) is received via
MIDI, it will be recognized as the External TG Control Volume’s
maximum volume range (SYNTH VOL=MAX) before volume
control takes place.
Also, when Sustain ($Bn.64.0/127) is received via MIDI,
messages will control the sustain in the same manner (on/off)
as the external sustain pedal.
Pitch Bend Sensitivity of RPN is transmitted accordingly as
Pitch Bend Range settings.
Tuning Pitch settings are transmitted accordingly as RPN Fine
1.2.3 Program Change
In the Play mode, program changes of 0-127, when received,
will change the Memory number 1-128. According to the Edit
Buffer’s Tone Generator Setup, Program Change, etc., data will
be transmitted via MIDI.
In the Edit Mode, Program Changes of 0-127, when received
via MIDI, will not change Memory Numbers but, Program
Changes will be transmitted to the currently used channels
1.2.4 Reset All Controller
The Reset All Controller is transmitted when parameters for the
External TG Setup’s Assignable 1,2 are changed, or Control
Change by Real-time Control parameters are changed or when
the newly selected memory has the above parameters as-
1.3 System Real-time Message
1.3.1 Status F8, FA, FB, FC
Does not transmit or receive.
1.3.2 Status F9, FD, FF
Does not transmit or receive.
1.4. Status FE (Active Sensing)
Transmitted every 200ms.
Does not receive.
MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat /MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI