Yamaha Commercial Audio M7CL StageMix User Guide
Page 13
The current channel’s Name, Fader, Level Meters, [ON] and [CUE] buttons
are shown in the left column. At the bottom-left, there are “previous” and
“next” arrow buttons for navigating to different channels.
One band of EQ can be adjusted at a time. Press one of the green circles to
select the band, and it will be highlighted yellow. EQ bands in StageMix are
labelled as follows:
HP = HPF (input channels only)
1 = Low Band
2 = Low-Mid Band
3 = High-Mid Band
4 = High Band
The current values for Freq, Gain and Q will be displayed.
Gain and Frequency can be adjusted by dragging the circle around the graph.
Q is adjusted by using the iPad’s “pinch” gesture: hold one finger (or thumb)
on the screen while moving another finger closer to or further away from the
The most comfortable and accurate way of adjusting Q is to use a vertical
pinch movement with the thumb and forefinger.
In some cases, it may be necessary to adjust the gain without altering the
frequency. Or to adjust the frequency without changing the gain. In this case,
the “Gain Lock” or “Frequency Lock” functions can be used. These buttons
are located at the top of the EQ graph.
The “Lock” buttons affect all 4 bands (but not the HPF). When a band is
adjusted, the locked parameter value becomes red.
While an EQ band is being moved, the
parameter value will turn yellow to
indicate that it has changed. The little
yellow arrows show which direction the
band should be moved to return to its
previous position.