Yamaha Professional Audio M7CL StageMix V4.5 User Guide
Page 7
3.2 iPad Wi-Fi Settings
The iPad can be configured using either DHCP or a Static IP address.
3.2.1 Using DHCP
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network protocol that
enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to a device.
Use the following steps to configure your iPad using DHCP.
a) Open the iPad “Settings” menu
b) Select “Wi-Fi”, and choose the correct network
c) Press the blue circle with the white arrow to the right of the selected
network to edit the IP address.
d) Select [DHCP] and ensure that your iPad receives data for the IP
Address, Subnet Mask, Router and DNS.
e) Select [Renew Lease] if this data is not applied.
f) If the settings are successfully applied, press the iPad’s Home
button to exit the Settings menu.
・Make sure that the subnet of the IP address is the same as that of
the M7CL console.
・If DHCP settings are not applied after step (e), please check your
DHCP server settings (refer to 10.4 for further advice). Alternatively,
setup your iPad using a Static IP Address.