MIDI Data Format XG System OnThis system exclusive message causes the MU15 to function
as an “XG”-compatible tone generator.”
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
00000000 00H Address High
00000000 00H Address Mid
01111110 7EH Address Low
00000000 00H Data
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
When On is received, the SOUND MODULE MODE will be
set to XG, and MIDI messages defined by XG such as NRPN
or bank select etc. can be received.
Since approximately 50[ms] are required in order to execute
this message, please allow an appropriate interval before
transmitting the next message. XG System parameter changeThis message sets the XG SYSTEM block (refer to tables
<1 - 1>, <1 - 2>). Multi Effect1 parameter changeThis message sets the MULTI EFFECT1 block (refer to tables
<1 - 1>, <1 - 4>). Display parameter changeThis message sets the DISPLAY block (refer to tables
<1 - 1>, <1 - 5>). Multi Part parameter changeThis message sets the MULTI PART block (refer to tables
<1 - 1>, <1 - 6>). Drums Setup parameter changeThis message sets the DRUMS SETUP block (refer to tables
<1 - 1> , <1 - 7>).
2.1.4 Other parameter changes2.1.4.1 Master tuningThis message simultaneously modifies the tuning of all
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
00100111 27H Model ID
00110000 30H Address High
00000000 00H Address Mid
00000000 00H Address Low
0000mmmm 0MH Master Tune MSB
0000llll 0LH Master Tune LSB
0xxxxxxx XXH don’t care
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Normally, the XG SYSTEM message MASTER TUNE should
be used (refer to table <1 - 2>).
2.2 Bulk dumpThis device uses the following bulk dump messages.
1) XG System bulk dump
2) System Information bulk dump
3) Multi Effect1 bulk dump
4) Multi Part bulk dump
5) Drums Setup bulk dump
2.2.1 XG bulk dumpThis message sets XG-related parameters. Unlike parameter
change messages, a single message can modify multiple
parameters. The message format is as follows.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0NH N:Device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
0sssssss SSH ByteCountMSB
0ttttttt TTH ByteCountLSB
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
0vvvvvvv VVH Data
0kkkkkkk KKH Check-sum
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Address and Byte Count are given in tables 1-n.
Byte Count is indicated by the total size of the Data in tables 1-n.
Bulk dump messages are received when the beginning of the
block is specified as the “Address”.
“Block” indicates the unit of the data string that is indicated in
tables 1-n as “Total size”.
Check sum is the value that produces a lower 7 bits of 0 when
the Start Address, Byte Count, Data, and the Check-sum itself
are added. XG System bulk dumpThis message sets the XG SYSTEM block (refer to tables
<1 - 1>, <1 - 2>). System Information bulk dumpThis message indicates the contents of the SYSTEM
INFORMATION block (refer to tables <1 - 1>, <1 - 3>).
This message is transmitted in response to a Dump Request,
but this message will be ignored if it is received.
00000001 01H Address Mid
00100000 20H Address Low
01000011 43H Data(CHORUS TYPE MSB)
00000000 00H Data(CHORUS TYPE LSB)
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
When this data is received, the MU15 will change the
Chorus effect type to “Flanger1”.
* Any number is OK, since the device number for the MU15 is
fixed to “All”.
Be sure to allow enough time for the procedure to take
place by inserting an empty measure at the top of the song
for every channel.