Detailed Settings – [FUNCTION]
P-155 Owner’s Manual
This section provides a variety of other func-
tions, including letting you assign the opera-
tion of the AUX pedal to one of several
settings, and allowing you to select specific
song channels for playback.
F5.1: AUX Pedal
Setting range:
1. Soft Pedal
The soft pedal reduces the volume and slightly
changes the timbre of notes played while the pedal is
pressed. The soft pedal will not affect notes that are
already playing.
2. Sostenuto pedal
If you play a note or chord on the keyboard and press
the pedal while the note(s) are held, those notes will
be sustained for as long as the pedal is held (as if the
sustain pedal had been pressed) but all notes played
thereafter will not be sustained. This makes it possible
to sustain a chord, for example, while other notes are
played “staccato.”
3. Expression
This setting allows control of dynamics during perfor-
4. Song Play/Pause
This setting allows you to start or pause song play-
back. In this setting, the AUX Pedal functions in the
same manner as the [PLAY/PAUSE] button on the
Default setting: 1 (Soft Pedal)
F5.2: Soft Pedal Effect Depth
Setting range: 1–5
Default setting: 3
This function sets the depth of the soft pedal effect.
F5.3: Sustain Sample Depth
Setting range: 0–20
Default setting: 12
The GRAND PIANO 1 voice features special “Sustain
Samples” that recreate the unique resonance of an acous-
tic grand piano’s soundboard and strings when the sus-
tain pedal is pressed. This function lets you adjust the
depth of this effect.
F5.4: Keyoff Sample Volume
Setting range: 0–20
Default setting: 10
You can adjust the volume of the keyoff sound (the sub-
tle sound produced when the keys are released) for voices
F5.5: Song Channel Selection
Setting range: ALL, 1&2
Default setting: ALL
The setting here only affects External songs. You can
specify which song channels will play back on this instru-
ment. When “ALL” is selected, channels 1–16 will be
played back. When “1&2” is selected, only channels 1 and
2 will be played back, while channels 3–16 will be trans-
mitted via MIDI.
F5.7: AUX PEDAL Type
Setting range: 1, 2
Default setting: 1
Depending upon the pedal that is connected to the SUS-
TAIN PEDAL jack or AUX PEDAL jack, the effect pro-
duced by operating the pedal (ON/OFF, dynamics, etc.)
might be reversed.
If this happens, you can use this setting to correct the
pedal operation. The setting range is from 1 to 2.
Press the [–/NO] and [+/YES] buttons simultaneously to
recall the default setting of “1.”
F5.8: Damper Resonance Effect ON/OFF
Setting range: ON/OFF
Default setting: ON
F5.9: Damper Resonance Effect Depth
Setting range: 0–20
Default setting: 5
The Damper Resonance lets you apply a simulation of
the sustain sound of the damper pedal on a grand piano,
as you press the damper pedal and play the keyboard.
This effect is applied to the voice you play on the key-
board and the part (channels 1 & 2).
F5. Other FunctionsOrgan, string and choir voices will continue to sound for as long
as the sostenuto pedal is depressed.
• Make sure that the power is switched OFF when connecting or
disconnecting the pedal.
•If the SUSTAIN PEDAL type is set to “2”, disconnecting the sustain
pedal while the power is switched on may leave the sustain active,
causing notes to sustain indefinitely. In this case, switch the power
off, then back on.