Pitch control makes it possible to tune the PDP-400 over a ±50-cent range (approximate) inapproximately 1.2-cent or 1-hertz intervals. A hundred “cents” equals one semitone, so the tuningrange provided allows fine tuning of overall pitch over a range of approximately a semitone. Pitchcontrol is useful for tuning the PDP-400 to match other instruments or recorded music.Pitch Control●Tuning Up................................................................................................................................................
ZTo tune up (raise pitch), hold the A-1 and B-1 keys simultaneously (A-1 and B-
1 are the two lowest white keys on the keyboard) and press any key between C3
and B3. Each time a key in this range is pressed the pitch is raised by approxi-
mately 1.2 cents, up to a maximum of about 50 cents above standard pitch. To
raise the pitch in 1-hertz increments press the TEMPO [▲] button instead of
the C3-B3 keys. The TEMPO [▼] button can also be used to tune down while
the A-1 and B-1 keys are held.
XRelease the A-1 and B-1 keys.
●To Restore Standard Pitch*...................................................................................................................
ZTo restore standard pitch (A3 = 440 Hz), hold the A-1, A#-1, and B-1 keys si-
multaneously and press any key between C3 and B3, or simultaneously press
the TEMPO [▲] and [▼] buttons.
XRelease the A-1, A#-1, and B-1 keys.
* Standard pitch (A3 = 440 Hz) is automatically set whenever the POWER
switch is initially turned on.
•The PITCH function does not affect the DRUMS sound.
•The TEMPO [
] and [
] buttons allow two-speed scrolling: press lightly to scroll
through the values slowly, or press firmly to scroll rapidly.
■The Pitch Display
Example: The approximate pitch of A3 is shown on the TEMPO display in Hertz while
the pitch control function is in operation. The total display range is from
approximately 427 hertz (-50 cents) to 453 hertz (+50 cents).
The dots to the right of each figure in the display are used to provide a general
idea of fractional pitches.
442 442.0......442.24
4.42 442.25....442.49
44.2 442.5......442.74
442. 442.75....442.99
●Tuning Down...........................................................................................................................................
ZTo tune down (lower pitch), hold the A-1 and A#-1 keys simultaneously and
press any key between C3 and B3. Each time a key in this range is pressed the
pitch is lowered by approximately 1.2 cents, up to a maximum of about 50 cents
below standard pitch. To lower the pitch in 1-hertz increments press the
TEMPO [▼] button instead of the C3-B3 keys. The TEMPO [▲] button can
also be used to tune up while the A-1 and A#-1 keys are held.
XRelease the A-1 and A#-1 keys.
A#-1 C3B3