PLG100-DX System Parameters■ System Parameters..................................................................................................
Setting: 1 to 16, OFF
• Sets the part assigned to PLG100-DX.
• When set to OFF, the parts will not be assigned. Settings 1 to 16 specify part numbers
1 to 16.
Setting: 01-32, 33-64
• Specifies which custom voice memory, 1 to 32 or 33 to 64, will be used for writing 32
voice bulk data sent to the PLG100-DX from an external MIDI device or computer.
VelCurve (Velocity Curve)
Setting: DX7, Normal, Soft1, Soft2, Easy, Wide, Hard
• Sets the velocity curve.
• The velocity curve is the curve that expresses the relationship between the velocity
signal received and the volume when the sound is actually generated.
• DX7 sets the velocity curve for the DX7 and DX7II.
• Normal makes velocity proportional to the strength at which the key is struck. This is
the velocity curve used in ordinary synthesizers.
• Soft1 is a velocity curve that makes all sounds easy to produce. It is designed for people
who have a light touch on the keyboard, or who are beginners at keyboard playing.
• Soft2 is a velocity curve that makes all sounds easy to produce. It is closer to the normal
curve than Soft1.
• Easy is a velocity curve where relatively large velocities are easy to produce. Because
velocity change in the middle area of the curve is gentle, the velocity is stable.
• Wide is a curve where the velocity is controlled in sections where the key touch is light,
and is easy to produce in area where the touch is strong. It gives the feeling of a wide
dynamic range.
• Hard is a curve where the sound is not easy to produce over the entire range. It is aimed
a people who have a strong touch.