Motif and the Modular Synthesis
Vocal Harmony Effect Processor
A Getting Started Guide
Tony Escueta & Phil Clendeninn
Digital Product Support Group
©Yamaha Corporation of America
This Guide assumes you are at the Motif with the
Some terminology that you will find in the VH area:
Lead (Melody) – Refers to your natural voice or the synthesized lead Voice w/pitch correction. Can be assigned an independent MIDI channel from the Harmony
Harmony (H) – MIDI controlled backing vocals (3 max.) follow chord/MIDI input. Can be triggered on it’s own channel. Gender (G) – male or female voice. Change gender without expensive, painful medical procedures.
Depth (Dpt) – how much a parameter will effect the sound
Threshold (Thresh) - the level at which a particular effect kicks in. Signals below the threshold are not effected.
Pitch Correction (PchCorrect) - when activated and a Gender type is selected you can create a ‘vocode’ effect that will follow your played notes. You can balance this with your normal voice or mix it completely to the vocoder effect.