Fingered ChordsUsing the key of C as an example, the chart below shows the types of chords that can be recognized in the Fingered
Fingered Chords in the Key of C
Notes enclosed in parentheses are optional; the chords will be recognized without them.
•If the chord is inverted (i.e., C-E-G is played as G-C-E), the PortaTone will still recognize it as a C chord.
•Minor 6th chords are recognized only in root position, however; all other inversions are interpreted as minor 7th/flatted 5th.
•If augmented and diminished 7th chords are inverted, the lowest note will be recognized as the root.
•7th flatted 5th chords may be played with the lowest note as the root or the 7th.
•9th chords are recognized only in root position; all other inversions are interpreted as suspended 4th.
•Augmented 7th and diminished 7th chords are interpreted as simple augmented and diminished.
•The PortaTone also has a Chord Cancel function to stop the chord accompaniment but allow the rhythm pattern to continue playing.
To use Chord Cancel, simultaneously press any three consecutive notes in the AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT SECTION; for example, C, C and D.
C C7sus4Cm Caug(7) C7Cdim(7) Cm7
One Touch Setting in the Style ModeThe One Touch Setting function automatically selects
an appropriate Voice for playing with the Style you
select. In other words, when One Touch Setting is on,
the Voice automatically changes when you change the
To turn on the One Touch Setting function, press the
ONE TOUCH SETTING button. (The LED next to the
button lights.)
To turn the function off, press the button again.
When the One Touch Setting is on, selecting another Style will
automatically reset the tempo to the default of the selected Style.