4. Set the volume
Adjust the volume to suit the overall
level using the Auto Bass Chord
VOLUME control
5. Set the tempo
Set the tempo you want using the
TEMPO controls in the Rhythm
6. Select a variation combination
Using the BASS and CHORD
VARIATION selectors choose the
bass and chord pattern combination
most suitable for the kind of music
you want to play.
selector to position No. 8 cancels the
chord accompaniment, leaving only
7. Select the bass and chord voices
the bass line and percussion. You
Enjoy selecting different bass and
can then play your own chords In
chord voices using the BASS and
CHORD VOICE selectors to suit
the normal way.
the music.
8. To stop the Auto Bass Chord
Press the STOP button in the
Rhythm section.
You will hear the corresponding chord
with bass and rhythm accompaniment.
For instance, when you press “C,” you’ll
obtain a C major chord that plays along
with the bass and rhythm.