MAIN VOLUME, foot volume assign, 147
MASTER NOTE SHIFT, how to access, 78
MASTER RETURN LEVEL, how to access, 77
MASTER TUNE, how to access, 78, synthesizer setup, 145
MASTER VOLUME, song multi screen, 36, voice volume select, 77
MEASURE BAR, sequence track graph, 91, sequence/tempo track data
insert, 94, step recording, 89
MEASURE, measure locate assign, 81, measure locate, 81, measure mark,
92, measure select, 80, measure select, 86
MEMORY, accessing song voice memory, 143, available memory gauge,
76, copying to song voice memory, 143, memory allocation, 38,
modes and functions for managing data, 38, selecting a song voice
memory, 143, song voice memory, 143, volatile and nonvolatile
memory banks, 38
MEZZO FORTE, step recording velocity value, 90
MIDI, about the GM system level, 8, controlling other devices, 67, device
number, 148, drum voice track and GM, 45, integrating the W5/W7
into a midi system, 67, keyboard local on/off, 148, MIDI channel/
instrument track, 76, MIDI filter, 82, MIDI setup, 148, program
change, 148, slaving to other devices, 69, song other setup MIDI
control, 84, sync, 84, system component, 68, transmit channel, 82
MIDI CONNECTORS, rear panel diagram description, 15
MIDI CONTROL 1/2, drum voice controller, 128, normal voice
controller, 124
MIDI FILTER, how to access, 82
MIDI SETUP, accessing MIDI setup, 148, device number, 148, keyboard
local on/off, 148, program change, 148, utility mode, 148
MIX TRACK, song job 1, 97
MIXER, fine-tuning the stereo mix, 63, mixer channel diagram, 24,
sound mixing, 35, tone generator mixer, 22
MIXING, fine-tuning the stereo mix, 63, sound mixing, 35
MODE, see data change mode, data graph mode, data insert mode, disk
mode, drum voice edit mode, normal voice edit mode, realtime
record mode, solo mode, song mode, song multi play mode, song
play mode, song record mode, step record mode, store mode, utility
mode, voice edit mode, voice mode, voice play mode
MODE SECTION, front panel diagram description, 12
MODIFY GATE TIME, song job 3, 101
MODIFY VELOCITY, song job 3, 102
MODULATION WHEEL, controller, 123, description of modulation
wheel control, 50, front panel diagram description, 12
MOVE CLOCK, song job 3, 101
MULTI, mixer channel diagram, 24, song multis, 23, steps in defining a
song multi, 56, 74, store multi, 39, 129
MUSIC DATA, backup and storage, 5, how to save and load data, 64,
organizing and managing data, 65
MUTE, soloing and muting instruments, 55, track solo and mute, 74
NAME, drum voice name, 125, name file, 132, naming a song, 81,
normal voice name, 110
NEXT SONG, other setup, 84
NORMAL, keyboard normal mode, 83, normal voice edit mode, 109,
step recording, 89
NORMAL VOICE, description and diagram, 106, effect parameters, 119,
mixer channel diagram, 24, voice bank abbreviation codes and
descriptions, 25
NORMAL VOICE BANKS, chart of list and description of each, 49
NORMAL VOICE EDIT MODE, accessing normal voice edit parameters,
109, effect, 119, entering and exiting normal voice edit mode, 109,
feature reference, 109
NOTE, element pitch note shift, 118, insert note data, 94, normal voice
element note limit, 113, note capacity/polyphony, 25, simultaneous
note capacity, 74
NOTE CAPACITY, instrument voices and polyphony, 25, simultaneous
note capacity, 74
NOTE LENGTH, step recording, 90
NOTE LIMIT, normal voice element note limit, 113
NOTE SHIFT, drum voice key parameter, 126, how to access, 78, master
note shift, 78, normal voice edit mode, 118, song multi screen, 37
OCTAVE, keyboard 4-zone mode, 83
OTHER, utility mode other setup, 149
OTHER SETUP, accessing other setup, 149, edit confirm on/off, 149,
how to access, 84, LCD contrast, 149, MIDI control, 84, next song,
84, sync, 84, transpose, 84, utility mode, 149
OUTPUT, drum voice key parameter, 126
OVERDUB, realtime recording, 88
PAN, drum voice key element pan position, 126, normal voice element
pan, 112, selecting and adjusting voice pan, 54, song multi screen,
36, voice pan, 77
PAN POSITION, drum voice key parameter, 126
PANEL, front panel diagram, 10, rear panel diagram, 15
PARAMETER, drum voice insertion effect control, 127, drum voice
insertion effect parameter, 127, LFO, 121, normal voice insertion
effect control, 120, normal voice insertion effect parameter, 120
PEG, see pitch envelope generator
PHONES JACK, rear panel diagram description, 16
PIANO, step recording velocity value, 90