SPECIFICATIONS, appendix, 156
SPLIT, keyboard split mode, 83, keyboard split point, 83, keyboard split
upper/lower assign, 83
STACCATO, step recording, 89
STEP RECORDING, back delete, 90, data input, 90, delete, 90, feature
reference, 89, forte, 90, keyboard view, 90, keyboard, 90, mezzo
forte, 90, normal, 90, note length, 90, piano, 90, preparing for, 89,
slur, 90, staccato, 90, step stop, 90, velocity values, 90
STEP RUN, step recording, 89
STEP STOP, step recording, 90
STEREO OUTPUT JACKS, rear panel diagram description, 16
STORAGE, data backup and storage, 5
STORE, store mode, 129, store multi, 39, store multi, 129, store voice,
39, store voice, 130, storing a voice, 108
STORE BUTTON, front panel diagram description, 12
STORE MODE, entering and exiting store mode, 129, feature reference,
129, operating modes description, 21
STORE MULTI, accessing store multi function, 129, before storing a
multi, 129, description, types of data which can be stored, when to
use, 39, selecting the song location, 129, store mode, 129
STORE VOICE, accessing store voice function, 130, before storing a
voice, 130, description, types of voices which can be stored, 39,
selecting the voice location, 130
SUSTAIN, element controller, 122, foot sustain control, 50
SUSTAIN JACK, rear panel diagram description, 15
SYNC, song other setup, 84
SYNTH SETUP, see synthesizer setup
SYNTHESIZER SETUP, accessing synthesizer setup, 145, controller, 145,
master tune, 145, utility mode, 145, velocity curve, 145, velocity,
SYSTEM, system architecture, 22, system logic, 17, system overview
diagram, 18
SYSTEM EFFECT, description, 29, drum voice send level, 127, drum
voice system effect send level, 126, feature reference, 79, mixer
system effect sends, 77, multi diagram, 28, normal voice send level,
119, system effect parameter select, 78, system effect type select, 77
SYSTEM EFFECT MODULES, diagram and description, 79
SYSTEM EFFECT PARAMETER, description and how to access, 79, how
to access, 78
SYSTEM EFFECT SEND LEVEL, drum voice edit mode, 127, drum voice
key parameter, 126, normal voice edit mode, 119
SYSTEM EFFECT SENDS, mixer, 77, song multi screen, 36
SYSTEM EFFECT TYPE, description and how to access, 79, how to
access, 77
SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE, insert system exclusive data, 94
SYSTEM OVERVIEW, diagram, 18
SONG, selecting a song from within the song directory, 81, song select,
80, song setup, 82
SONG DIRECTORY, how to access, 81, selecting a song from within, 81
SONG EDIT MODE, entering and exiting song edit mode, 91, feature
reference, 91, operating modes description, 19, overview, 72,
sequence track graph, 91
SONG JOB 1, append song, 96, clear song, 96, clear track, 97, copy
song, 96, copy track, 97, feature reference, 96, mix track, 97
SONG JOB 2, chord sort, 100, copy measure, 98, create measure, 98,
delete measure, 99, erase measure, 98, extract, 99, feature reference,
98, insert measure, 99, thin out, 99
SONG JOB 3, crescendo, 103, feature reference, 100, modify gate time,
101, modify velocity, 102, move clock, 101, quantize, 100, shift
note, 103, transpose, 102
SONG JOB MODE, entering and exiting song job mode, 95, feature
reference, 95, moving around in job mode, 95, operating modes
description, 20, overview, 72, undo/redo, 95
SONG MODE, feature reference, 72, operating modes description, 19
SONG MULTI, accessing song multi, 75, feature reference, 74, instru-
ment parameter display, 75, instrument parameter select, 75,
instrument track select, 75, mixer channel diagram, 24, moving
around in the song multi, 76, overview, 23, song multi screen, 76,
steps in defining a multi, 56, steps in defining a song multi, 74
SONG MULTI PLAY MODE, status at power on, 45
SONG MULTI SCREEN, feature reference, 76
SONG NAME, how to name a song, 81
SONG OTHER SETUP, how to access, 84
SONG PLAY MODE, feature reference, 73, operating modes description,
19, overview, 72
SONG PLAYBACK, exploring song playback options, 54
SONG RECORD, accessing a song record function or parameter, 86
SONG RECORD MODE, entering and exiting song record mode, 85,
feature reference, 85, operating modes description, 19, overview, 72,
steps to recording a song, 85
SONG SEQUENCE, playing a song sequence, 73, song sequence play, 80
SONG SEQUENCE PLAY, feature reference, 80, how to access, 80
SONG SEQUENCING, accessing a song record function or parameter,
86, overview, 34, steps in creating a song sequence, 61
SONG SETUP, feature reference, 82, how to access, 82, keyboard setup,
82, other setup, 84, playback filter, 82, track transmit channel, 82
SONG SETUP FUNCTION, description, 73
SONG VOICE, description and how to manage, 38, song voice memory,
143, song voice store, 130
SONG VOICE MEMORY, accessing song voice memory, 143, copying to
song voice memory, 143, description and how to manage Song
voices, 38, selecting a song voice memory, 143, utility mode, 143
SOUND CONTROL, controlling the sound, 31
SOUND MIXING, overview, 35