List of Front Panel Operations
XMV4280/XMV4140 Owner’s Manual 21
Parameter Operations
To do this... Operation Description
Editing the attenuator value (vol-
ume) of channel X
When the operating mode is atten-
uator (ATT),
[SELECT] X encoder
The [SELECT] indicator of the selected channel will lit, and the
attenuator value can be edited by the encoder.
The range of adjustment is -99 dB–0 dB in 1 dB steps.
Changing the polarity of channel
When the operating mode is polar-
ity (POL),
[SELECT] X encoder
The [SELECT] indicator of the selected channel will light, and
the polarity can be changed by using the encoder.
Changing the high pass filter
(HPF) cutoff frequency of chan-
nel X
Turning off the high pass filter
(HPF) of channel X
When the operating mode is HPF
[SELECT] X encoder
The [SELECT] indicator of the selected channel will light, and
the high pass filter (HPF) on/off setting and cutoff frequency
can be changed by using the encoder. This will be set to 80 Hz
if a high impedance connection is specified; it will be turned
OFF if a low impedance connection is specified.
Switching between analog/digi-
tal input
When the operating mode is ana-
log/digital input selection (SRC),
use the encoder
Use the encoder to change the analog/digital input selection.
This selection applies to all channels.
Switching whether the [SIGNAL]
indicators are used for input or
for output
When the operating mode is [SIG-
NAL] indicator switching (SIG),
use the encoder
Use the encoder to specify whether the [SIGNAL] indicators
will show the input signal level or the output signal level.
Indication Polarity
NOR Normal phase
INV Inverted phase
Indication Meaning
OFF HPF is off
H40 Cutoff frequency is 40 Hz
H80 Cutoff frequency is 80 Hz
In order to protect the amplifier, the HPF of the selected
channel cannot be turned OFF if a high impedance connec-
tion is specified.
Indication Input connectors
ANA Analog input connectors
DIG [YDIF] connectors
Do not select “analog” if your audio network has been con-
figured using the [YDIF] connectors. Selecting “analog” will
interrupt audio transmission to and from the devices that are
connected via the YDIF connectors.
Indication Lit condition
IN Input
OUT Output