11 – Utilities – BULK DUMP
BULK DUMPThree parameters are available here:
Use the F encoder to select whether bulk dump operations
will take place through the MIDI or Y-485 connections.
Use the G encoder to select what kind of data will be
dumped. You can choose between: ALL DATA (all memory
areas will be dumped), SYSTEM (the parameters you set
up in the UTILITY menus will be dumped), MEMORY (a
single memory area, or all memory areas will be dumped),
and BANK (the Program Change tables).
If you have selected MEMORY with the G encoder, use the
Q encoder to select the memory area that you want to
dump (1 through 40 or ALL).
If you have selected BANK with the G encoder, use the Q
encoder to select the Program Change bank you want to
dump (A through D or ALL).
You can dump this data over MIDI to a MIDI data filer device (including a personal com-
puter), or over the Y-485 network to a computer connected through the YAMAHA IFU485
There is no need to set the unit into any special receive mode to receive bulk dump data
from an external device.
Y-485 NETWORKThe Y-485 network is more complex (in terms of software addressing) than the MIDI system.
Each device on a network belongs to a group and has a device number within that group.
Use the [L/<] and [R/>] keys to decide whether you are edit-
ing the REMOTE or LOCAL settings. The LOCAL settings,
of course, refer to this unit, and the REMOTE settings refer
to a unit to which you will be sending data.
The F encoder allows you to set up a group number
between 1 and 7. The Y-485 protocol allows messages to be
sent to groups of units. If you are editing the REMOTE set-
tings, you can also set this to a “*”. This is a “don’t care”
value – the remote device address is irrelevant, and mes-
sages will be sent to all groups.
The G encoder allows you to set a device number inside
the group between 1 and 31. If you are editing REMOTE
settings, you can also set this to a “*”. This is a “don’t care”
value – the remote device address is irrelevant, and mes-
sages will be sent to all devices.
The Q encoder allows you to set the data transfer rate for
the LOCAL settings only. This should usually be set to
9600 (even though a value of 38400 may be set).
To control this unit and other Y-485 units from a computer, you will require an IFU485 hard-
ware interface, and computer software (QS-1) to control it. QS-1 software is available for
both Macintosh and IBM-compatible computers. Contact Yamaha or your local Yamaha dis-
tributor for further details.