Unitary Products Group 9
TABLE 5: DF072 COOLING CAPACITIES (6 TON)Return Air Temperature of Air on Condenser Coil
1. These ratings include the compressor and the condenser fan motors but not the supply air blower motor. The total condenser fan
motor power input is 0.36kW. Refer to the SUPPLY AIR BLOWER PERFORMANCE Table for the kW o f the supp ly air blower moto r.
Gross Sensible Capacity2(MBh)
2. These capacities are gross ratings. For net capacity, determine the kW of the supply air blower motor from the SUPPLY AIR BLOWER
PERFORMANCE Table, multiply this value by 3.425 MBH/kW to determine the motor heat, and deduct this heat from the gross capacity
of the unit.
Nominal Rating
Gross Sensible Capacity (MBh)
(°F) Return Air Dry Bulb (°F) Return Air Dry Bulb (°F)
86 83 80 77 74 71 68 90 85 80 75 70 65 68
85°F 95°F
72 83.1 5.24 54.6 46.4 38.2 30.0 21.8 - - 80.2 5.92 53.1 44.9 36.7 28.5 20.3 - -
67 79.5 5.15 67.8 59.6 51.4 43.2 35.0 26.8 18.6 75.3 5.80 66.6 58.4 50.2 42.0 33.8 25.6 17.4
62 72.7 5.08 72.7 72.7 64.8 56.6 48.4 40.2 32.0 68.3 5.74 68.3 68.3 62.5 54.3 46.1 37.9 29.7
57 66.7 5.04 66.7 66.7 64.6 56.4 48.2 40.0 31.8 65.8 5.77 65.8 65.8 64.5 56.3 48.1 39.9 31.7
72 82.4 5.25 52.1 44.8 37.5 30.2 22.9 - - 79.9 5.89 50.5 43.2 35.9 28.6 21.3 - -
67 78.8 5.16 65.0 57.7 50.4 43.1 35.8 28.5 21.2 75.0 5.78 63.8 56.5 49.1 41.8 34.5 27.2 19.9
62 72.1 5.10 72.1 70.7 63.5 56.2 48.9 41.6 34.3 68.0 5.72 68.0 67.3 61.2 53.9 46.6 39.3 32.0
57 66.1 5.05 66.1 66.1 63.4 56.1 48.8 41.5 34.1 65.5 5.74 65.5 65.5 63.1 55.8 48.5 41.2 33.9
72 81.7 5.26 49.6 43.2 36.8 30.3 23.9 - - 79.6 5.87 48.0 41.6 35.2 28.7 22.3 - -
67 78.1 5.18 62.355.849.443.036.630.223.8 74.7 5.75 60.9 54.5 48.1 41.7 35.3 28.9 22 .4
62 71.4 5.11 71.4 68.7 62.3 55.9 49.5 43.1 36.6 67.7 5.69 67.7 66.3 59.9 53.5 47.1 40.7 34.3
57 65.5 5.06 65.5 65.5 62.1 55.7 49.3 42.9 36.5 65.2 5.72 65.2 65.2 61.8 55.4 49.0 42.6 36.2
72 79.3 5.24 45.6 40.0 34.5 28.9 23.4 - - 77.1 5.86 43.9 38.4 32.8 27.2 21.7 - -
67 75.8 5.15 57.5 51.9 46.4 40.8 35.3 29.7 24.1 72.3 5.74 56.0 50.4 44.9 39.3 33.8 28.2 22.6
62 69.4 5.08 67.7 64.0 58.5 52.9 47.3 41.8 36.2 65.6 5.68 64.5 61.5 55.9 50.3 44.8 39.2 33.7
57 63.6 5.04 63.6 62.3 58.3 52.7 47.2 41.6 36.1 63.2 5.71 63.2 61.7 57.7 52.1 46.5 41.0 35.4
72 77 5.21 41.6 36.9 32.2 27.5 22.8 - - 74.5 5.85 39.8 35.1 30.4 25.7 21.0 - -
67 73.6 5.12 52.7 48.0 43.3 38.6 33.9 29.2 24.5 69.9 5.73 51.0 46.3 41.6 36.9 32.2 27.5 22.8
62 67.3 5.06 64.0 59.3 54.6 49.9 45.2 40.5 35.8 63.4 5.67 61.3 56.6 51.9 47.2 42.5 37.7 33.0
57 61.7 5.01 61.7 59.2 54.5 49.8 45.0 40.3 35.6 61.1 5.70 61.1 58.2 53.5 48.8 44.1 39.4 34.7
105°F 115°F
72 76.3 6.66 51.5 43.3 35.1 26.9 18.7 - - 72.4 7.40 50.0 41.8 33.6 25.4 17.2 - -
67 70.2 6.55 64.2 56.0 47.8 39.6 31.5 23.3 15.1 65.0 7.31 61.9 53.7 45.5 37.3 29.1 20.9 12.7
62 62.2 6.48 62.2 62.2 58.8 50.6 42.4 34.2 26.0 56.1 7.22 56.1 56.1 55.2 47.0 38.8 30.6 22.4
57 61.2 6.50 61.2 61.2 60.1 51.9 43.7 35.5 27.3 56.7 7.24 56.7 56.7 55.7 47.5 39.3 31.1 22.9
72 76.1 6.63 49.0 41.7 34.3 27.0 19.7 - - 72.3 7.36 47.4 40.1 32.8 25.5 18.2 - -
67 70.0 6.52 61.4 54.1 46.8 39.5 32.2 24.9 17.6 65.0 7.26 59.1 51.7 44.4 37.1 29.8 22.5 15.2
62 62.0 6.45 62.0 61.7 57.5 50.2 42.9 35.6 28.3 56.1 7.18 56.1 56.1 53.9 46.6 39.2 31.9 24.6
57 61.0 6.47 61.0 61.0 58.8 51.5 44.2 36.9 29.5 56.6 7.19 56.6 56.6 54.4 47.1 39.8 32.5 25.2
72 75.9 6.59 46.4 40.0 33.6 27.2 20.7 - - 72.2 7.31 44.8 38.4 32.0 25.6 19.2 - -
67 69.8 6.48 58.6 52.2 45.7 39.3 32.9 26.5 20.1 64.9 7.22 56.2 49.8 43.4 37.0 30.5 24.1 17.7
62 61.9 6.41 61.9 61.2 56.2 49.8 43.4 37.0 30.6 56.0 7.13 56.0 56.0 52.6 46.2 39.7 33.3 26.9
57 60.9 6.43 60.9 60.9 57.5 51.0 44.6 38.2 31.8 56.5 7.15 56.5 56.5 53.1 46.7 40.3 33.9 27.4
72 73.1 6.58 42.3 36.7 31.1 25.6 20.0 - - 69.1 7.30 40.6 35.0 29.5 23.9 18.4 - -
67 67.2 6.47 53.5 48.0 42.4 36.9 31.3 25.7 20.2 62.1 7.20 51.1 45.5 40.0 34.4 28.8 23.3 17.7
62 59.6 6.40 59.1 57.0 52.2 46.6 41.0 35.5 29.9 53.6 7.12 53.6 52.5 48.4 42.9 37.3 31.7 26.2
57 58.6 6.42 58.6 57.3 53.3 47.7 42.2 36.6 31.0 54.1 7.13 54.1 53.0 48.9 43.3 37.8 32.2 26.7
72 70.3 6.57 38.1 33.4 28.7 24.0 19.3 - - 66.1 7.28 36.4 31.7 26.9 22.2 17.5 - -
67 64.6 6.46 48.5 43.8 39.1 34.4 29.7 25.0 20.3 59.4 7.19 45.9 41.2 36.5 31.8 27.1 22.4 17.7
62 57.3 6.39 56.3 52.8 48.1 43.4 38.7 34.0 29.2 51.2 7.11 51.2 49.0 44.3 39.6 34.9 30.2 25.5
57 56.4 6.41 56.4 53.8 49.1 44.4 39.7 35.0 30.3 51.7 7.12 51.7 49.4 44.7 40.0 35.3 30.6 25.9