These units are provided with six (6) mounting holes (see drawings for details). Metal washers and nuts of the proper size are to be provided by the installer. When necessary, use shims to obtain the proper level. This will ensure that the condensate will drain from the unit.
These units employ a hydronic coil designed for use with either hot or chilled water.
All piping must be adequately sized to meet the design water flow requirements as specified for the specific installation. Piping must be installed in accordance with all applicable codes.
All models except YHYB/YPHYB:
•HW/CW coils are 3/8" OD tubing.
•Tubing connections are 5/8" OD.
•HW/CW coils are 1/2" OD tubing.
•Tubing connections are 7/8" OD.
Manual air vents are provided standard on all coils
All chilled water piping must be insulated to prevent condensation.
Prior to connecting to the fan coil, all external piping must be purged of debris.
When connecting piping or valve kits to fan coil units, do not bend or reposition the coil header tubing for alignment purposes. This could cause a tubing fracture resulting in a water leak when water pressure is applied to the system.
1.Flush all field piping prior to connection to remove all debris.
2.Use wet cotton rags to cool valve bodies when soldering.
3.Open all valves
4.When soldering to bronze or brass, heat the pip- ing while in the socket/cup and begin introducing the solder when the flux boils rapidly. Avoid direct flame into the solder joint.
5.Heat can only be applied to the cup of the valve body for a minimal time before damage occurs (even with the use of wet rags.
6.Avoid rapid quenching of solder joints, as this will produce joints of inferior quality.
7.The valve package will not support the weight of the connecting pipes. All pipes, which are connected to the units, must be completely supported prior to connection to the unit.
8.Provisions must be made for expansion and con- traction of piping systems. All horizontal and vertical risers, including runouts, must be able to withstand significant movement with temperature changes. Failure to do so will result in damage and failure of piping, fittings and valves throughout the building.
9.Never insulate the heads or motorized portion of control valves. Damage can occur in the form of excessive heat build up and interference to the operation and moving parts will result.
10.All piping made in the field should be installed with consideration of additional space for any electrical routing that may be required.
11.Hydronic systems are not designed to hold pres- surized air and should only be tested with water.
After the system has been proven leak free, all lines and valve control packages must be insulated as specified on the building plans.
Many valve packages will not phys- ically allow all components to fit over an auxiliary drain pan. It is the installers responsibility to ensure ad- equate condensation prevention. The installer must also ensure that there is no condensate drippage onto elec- trical components beneath insulated components.