EPL Mode ZKDU Use Example
6/4/2013 ZKDU User’s Guide P1059693-001Rev. A
To Enter Data:
1. Enter the new input data, thereby overriding the previously entered input data for that
variable, or
2. Press ENTER if the previously entered input data is correct, or
3. Use the orange Backspace key or the CLEAR key to modify data. Enter new data
at the cursor prompt and press ENTER to complete overwriting previous form data.
When you have finished editing and have printed the label, you will automatically return
to the first variable prompt of this Form.
Exit a Form - Press the EXIT key at any time to return to the Forms screen, or press the
FORM key to select another form.
Forcing the Operator to Re-enter Variable Input DataIf the operator prompt parameter has a ‘Tilde’ (~) character as the first character of the prompt
string, then the input data (second line on the display) needs to be entered every time it is
displayed. The ‘Tilde’ character does not display.
Protecting Operator Variable Input DataIf the operator prompt parameter has a ‘Minus Sign’ (-) character as the first character of the
prompt string, then that data will be ‘protected’ and will not reappear until the Form has been
exited and recalled from the printer as a new print job. The ‘Minus Sign’ character does not
display when in the first position.