Unique ZKDU ZPL Features
P1059693-001 Rev. A ZKDU User’s Guide 6/4/2013
Unique ZKDU ZPL FeaturesThe ZKDU was designed to emulate the basic Form processing operations of the Zebra KDU
Plus. ZPL Print Forms are imported and processed by the ZKDU. The ZPL form is parsed to
extract operator data entry parameters and prompts. The ZKDU passes only operator input
data to the printer to fill-in form variables. All form prompts and form input data are
temporarily stored in the ZKDU while processing the recalled form.
The ZKDU operating in ZPL mode:
• ZPL Form Names are limited to 8 alpha-numeric characters and are not case sensi-
tive. (EPL Form Names are case sensitive).
• ZPL Forms must be stored in the printer’s E: memory to be accessed by the ZKDU.
• Supports Field Variables, Serial Number (Alpha-numeric Counter) Fields (not sup-
ported as a variable), and printer optional RTC (Real-Time Clock) Date and Time
• The ZPL prompt is limited to 255 characters, but only 20 characters can be dis-
played in the top row of the ZKDU display.
• 1024 bytes are reserved for ZPL form variables prompts and operator input data in
the ZKDU. The KDU Plus only supported 576 bytes for this feature.
• A single print job can have up to 99,999,999 unique print images (for serial number
and operator input) with up to 99,999,999 copies of each unique printed image. For
example, you can print 3 copies of the same unique serial number label and print 5
sets of those serial number label copies for 15 total labels.
• Language and locale support is limited primarily to the lower half of the Zebra
Codepage 850 (decimal 32-127), the printer’s default character set. The ZKDU and
printer in ZPL mode will display and print all the characters on the ZKDU key-
board. Data input made via a peripheral device (such as a scanner) attached to the
ZKDU’s auxiliary port or sent as form prompt data may not display correctly or will
be replaced by a space.