Chapter 9 Traffic Control
Traffic control is used to limit communication speed in the LAN and WAN. Up to 20 entries can be supported with the capability for at most 254 PCs' speed control, including for IP address range configuration.
Traffic Control: Select the checkbox to enable the internal IP bandwidth control.
Interface: To limit the uploading and downloading bandwidth in WAN port.
Service: To select the controlled service type, such as HTTP service.
IP Starting Address: The first IP address for traffic control.
IP Ending Address: The last IP address for traffic control.
Uploading/Downloading: To specify the traffic heading way for the
selected IP addresses: uploading or downloading.
Bandwidth: To specify the uploading/downloading Min. /Max. Traffic speed (KB/s), which can not exceed the WAN speed.
Apply: Select the checkbox to enable the current editing rule.
Add: After edit the rule, click the Add button to add the current rule to rule list.
Note: It is allowed to delete or modify the previous rules in the list table.