Effect types on MTR mode and the parameter


Effect types on MTR mode and the parameter
(1) POSITION Before,
Selects the insertion position of the EFX module:
"Before" the PREAMP module or "After" the
PREAMP module.
(2) RATE 0 − 50,
Ref. P144 Adjusts the modulation rate.
Selects the sound type of the effect.
(4) LEVEL 2 − 100 Adjusts the level of the signal after passing the
EFX module.
PHASER This effect produces sound with a pulsating character.

Compressor/limiter effect types

EFX module

(1) THRSHOLD 0 − 50 Adjust s the threshold level of the compressor.
(2) RATIO 1 − 10 Ad justs the compression ratio of the compressor.
(3) ATTACK 1 − 10 Adjust s the attack speed of the compressor.
(4) LEVEL 2 − 100 Adjusts the level of the signal after passing the
EFX module.
RackComp This is a compressor which attenuates high-level signals
and boosts lowlevel signals.
(1) THRESHOLD 0 − 50 Adjusts the threshold level of the limiter.
(2) RATIO 1 − 10 Ad justs the compression ratio of the limiter.
(3) RELEASE 1 − 10 Adjusts the speed of the limiter release after the
signal falls below the threshold level.
(4) LEVEL 2 − 100 Adjusts the level of the signal after passing the
EFX module.
LIMITER This is a limiter which attenuates high-level signals that
exceed a certain threshold.

Modulation effect types

(1) POSITION Before,
Selects the insertion position of the EFX module:
"Before" the PREAMP module or "After" the
PREAMP module.
(2) SENSE -10 − -1,
1 − 10 Adjusts the effect sensitivity.
(3) RESONANC 0 − 10 Adjusts the resonance characteristic of the ef-
(4) LEVEL 2 − 100 Adjusts the level of the signal after passing the
EFX module.
AUTO WAH This is an auto wah effect that tracks the input signal
(1) DEPTH 0 − 100 Adjusts the modulation depth.
(2) RATE 0 − 50,
Ref. P144 Adjusts the modulation rate.
(3) WAVE
UP 09,
TRI 0 − 9
Allows selection of the modulation waveform.
Available settings are UP (rising sawtooth),
DOWN (falling sawtooth), and TRI (triangle).
Higher setting values result in more clipping of
wave peaks, which reinforces the effect.
(4) LEVEL 2 − 100 Adjusts the level of the signal after passing the
EFX module.
TREMOLO This effect periodically varies the volume.