How to use [DIAL] and [MENU] buttons
The operation when [ ] cursor is on display (Date·Time Setting, Changing File Name Directory, etc)
The operation when the selections are listed on screen
About the ‘’ on the selection lists
When you see
this display,
there are more
selections on the
next screen. Highlight arrow and press
[DIAL] in to move on to the next screen.
When you rotate the [DIAL],
[ ] moves accordingly.
[ ] move accordingly.
Pressing [DIAL] in, change
the numbers and letters.
The item letters or
numbers are reversed
Rotate [DIAL] to
change the numbers
and lettersPress
[DIAL] down to confirm
your selection.
[ ] move accordingly.
Push [DIAL] in, to confirm
your selection.
the screen returns back
to the previous one.
By rotating the [DIAL],
the selection lists will
move accordingly.
[DIAL] operation on the top screen
Moving [DIAL] on
the top screen,
'cursor' moves.
Pressing (highlight)
[ ] selects 'COUNTER' to enable ad-
justment or calls up the setting menu.
* Available only on MTR mode.