STEP 2: Wireless LAN
Configure ONE of the following wireless security types on the Mer produkthjalp finns pa http:// www.support.zyxel.se:
•Auto security: Uses
Note: Your wireless clients must support
•None: Have no wireless LAN security configured. If you do not enable any wireless security on your Mer produkthjalp finns pa http://www.support.zyxel.se, your network is accessible to any wireless networking device that is within range.
•Basic security: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encrypts data frames before transmitting over the wireless net- work. The higher the WEP Encryption, the higher the security but the slower the throughput.
Note: The wireless clients and Mer produkthjalp finns pa http://www.support.zyxel.se must use the same SSID, channel ID and