Chapter 8 System
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 31 System > SNMP
Port | You can change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must use |
| the same port number in order to use that service for remote management. |
Secure Access | Select the interface(s) through which a computer may access the NWA using SNMP and |
Control | to which the IP and MAC filtering rules you specified below are applied. Otherwise, |
| select Disable to allow any computer to access the NWA through any interface using |
| SNMP. |
Secured Client IP | A secured client is a “trusted” computer that is allowed to communicate with the NWA |
Address | using this service. |
| Select All to allow any computer to access the NWA using this service. |
| Choose Selected to just allow the computer with the IP address that you specify to |
| access the NWA using this service. |
Secured Client MAC | Select All to allow any computer to access the NWA using this service. |
Address | Choose Selected to just allow the computer with the MAC address that you specify to |
| |
| access the NWA using this service. |
SNMP Configuration |
Protocol Version | Select the SNMP version for the NWA, which you allow the SNMP manager to use to |
| access the NWA. |
| The SNMP version on the NWA must match the version on the SNMP manager. |
Get Community | Enter the Get Community, which is the password for the incoming Get and GetNext |
| requests from the management station. |
Set Community | Enter the Set community, which is the password for incoming Set requests from the |
| management station. |
Trap Community | Type the trap community, which is the password sent with each trap to the SNMP |
| manager. |
Trap Destination | Type the IP address of the station to send your SNMP traps to. |
SNMPv3 Admin |
Settings |
SNMPv3 Admin | Select the check box to enable the SNMP administrator account for authentication with |
| SNMP managers using SNMP v3. |
User Name | Specify the user name of the SNMP administrator account. |
Password | Enter the password for SNMP administrator authentication. |
Confirm Password | Retype the password for confirmation. |
Access Type | Specify the SNMP administrator’s access rights to MIBs. |
| Read/Write - The SNMP administrator has read and write rights, meaning that the |
| user can create and edit the MIBs on the NWA. |
| Read Only - The SNMP administrator has read rights only, meaning the user can collect |
| information from the NWA. |
Authentication | Select an authentication algorithm used for SNMP communication with the SNMP |
Protocol | administrator. |
| MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used |
| to authenticate SNMP data. SHA authentication is generally considered stronger than |
| MD5, but is slower. |
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NWA1000 Series User’s Guide | |