Chapter 8 System

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 31 System > SNMP








You can change the server port number for a service if needed, however you must use


the same port number in order to use that service for remote management.



Secure Access

Select the interface(s) through which a computer may access the NWA using SNMP and


to which the IP and MAC filtering rules you specified below are applied. Otherwise,


select Disable to allow any computer to access the NWA through any interface using





Secured Client IP

A secured client is a “trusted” computer that is allowed to communicate with the NWA


using this service.


Select All to allow any computer to access the NWA using this service.


Choose Selected to just allow the computer with the IP address that you specify to


access the NWA using this service.



Secured Client MAC

Select All to allow any computer to access the NWA using this service.


Choose Selected to just allow the computer with the MAC address that you specify to



access the NWA using this service.



SNMP Configuration




Protocol Version

Select the SNMP version for the NWA, which you allow the SNMP manager to use to


access the NWA.


The SNMP version on the NWA must match the version on the SNMP manager.



Get Community

Enter the Get Community, which is the password for the incoming Get and GetNext


requests from the management station.



Set Community

Enter the Set community, which is the password for incoming Set requests from the


management station.



Trap Community

Type the trap community, which is the password sent with each trap to the SNMP





Trap Destination

Type the IP address of the station to send your SNMP traps to.



SNMPv3 Admin






SNMPv3 Admin

Select the check box to enable the SNMP administrator account for authentication with


SNMP managers using SNMP v3.



User Name

Specify the user name of the SNMP administrator account.




Enter the password for SNMP administrator authentication.



Confirm Password

Retype the password for confirmation.



Access Type

Specify the SNMP administrator’s access rights to MIBs.


Read/Write - The SNMP administrator has read and write rights, meaning that the


user can create and edit the MIBs on the NWA.


Read Only - The SNMP administrator has read rights only, meaning the user can collect


information from the NWA.




Select an authentication algorithm used for SNMP communication with the SNMP




MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used


to authenticate SNMP data. SHA authentication is generally considered stronger than


MD5, but is slower.





NWA1000 Series User’s Guide